Description | Example | Return message | Group


Propagate vehicle (all types) ephemeris using near-real-time data received using a Connect socket


RealTime <VehObjectPath> {RealTimeOption} [<Parameters>]


The RealTime command enables you to import vehicle telemetry dynamically and to generate look ahead ephemeris automatically in a real-time operations environment.

SetPropN/ASet the vehicle's propagator to Realtime.
SetLookAhead{PropType} <Duration> <TimeStep> <TimeOutGap>Choose a propagator for calculating ephemeris for look ahead purposes. Not all propagators are available for all vehicles.
SetHistory<Duration> <InterpOrder>Define the History Properties.

If {RealTimeOption} is SetLookAhead, valid values for the additional <Parameters> are as follows:

{PropType}For Satellite specify HoldCBIPosition, HoldCBFPosition, TwoBody, J2Perturbation or J4Perturbation.

For Missile or LaunchVehicle specify HoldCBIPosition, HoldCBFPosition, DeadReckon, TwoBody, J2Perturbation, J4Perturbation or Ballistic.

For Aircraft, Ship or GroundVehicle specify HoldCBIPosition, HoldCBFPosition or DeadReckon.

<Duration>Enter a value representing the look ahead duration in Connect time units. Valid value is between 1.0 and 1000000.0 seconds.
<TimeStep>Specify the interval between computed ephemeris output points in Connect time units. Valid value is between 0.1 and 9999.0 seconds.
<TimeOutGap>Specify the time after which look ahead values (the value defined in the <Duration> parameter) are considered to be "stale" (that is, the data has dropped out) in Connect time units. Valid value is between 1.0 and 1000000.0 seconds.

If {RealTimeOption} is SetHistory, valid values for the additional <Parameters> are as follows:

<Duration>Enter a value representing the look behind duration in Connect time units. Valid value is between 1.0 and 1000000.0 seconds.
<InterpOrder>Enter an integer between 0 and 7 representing the interpolation order. The higher the interpolation order, the more the data points are smoothed out. Enter a low number for interpolation order if you receive sparse data points. Use a higher number if you receive closely spaced data points.

See the Graphics RealTime command to set colors and other graphics attributes for the Realtime vehicle.


To set the ac1 aircraft object to use the Realtime propagator:

Realtime */Aircraft/ac1 SetProp

To set the ac1 aircraft object to use a look ahead propagator of HoldCBFPosition, set duration to 1550 seconds, set time step to 60 seconds, and set time out gap to 28 seconds:

Realtime */Aircraft/ac1 SetLookAhead HoldCBFPosition 1550 60 28

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


