Description | Example | Return message | Group


Establish the scenario's analysis time period


SetAnalysisTimePeriod <ScenarioPath> {TimeInterval}

Related commands


The SetAnalysisTimePeriod command is used to establish the analysis time period of the current scenario.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

If a time component is used to set the analysis time period, the component can not be dependant upon the scenario time.

Vehicles in the Scenario that are set to Use Scenario Time Period (Satellite) or Use Scenario Start Time (Aircraft, GroundVehicle, LaunchVehicle, Missile, Ship) will be repropagated.


To set the time period for the current scenario to be from November 1, 2007 at two minutes after one a.m. to four minutes after three a.m.:

SetAnalysisTimePeriod * "1 Nov 2007 01:02:00.00" "1 Nov 2007 03:04:00.00"

To set the time period for the current scenario to start at midnight (local time) of the current day and to end 4 hours later:

SetAnalysisTimePeriod * "Today" "+4 hours"

To set the time period for the current scenario to the first sunlight interval of Facility1:

SetAnalysisTimePeriod * "Facility/Facility1 LightingIntervals.Sunlight.First Interval"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

