Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set position, velocity and position covariance data


SetPositionCov <VehObjectPath> [{PositionType}] {TimeValue} [<PositionData>] {CovarianceType} <CovarianceData>


The SetPositionCov command is used to send in position, velocity and position covariance information together or just position covariance information one point at a time.

When the position and velocity are sent with the covariance data, the [{PositionType}] and [<PositionData>] must be included in the command. See the SetPosition (Vehicles) command for the format for these parameters.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

The position covariance data is specified as an upper triangular matrix in Cartesian coordinates. This command is useful if you wish to specify position covariance information for a vehicle using real-time data.

Valid values for {CovarianceType} and <CovarianceData> are:

ECF<Pxx> <Pxy> <Pxz> <Pyy> <Pyz> <Pzz>Specify coordinates in distance^2 units.
RICECF<Prr> <Pri> <Prc> <Pii> <Pic> <Pcc>Specify Radial-Intrack-Crosstrack coordinates in distance^2 units.

You can't use the SetPositionCov command to modify a vehicle's propagated ephemeris. This command can only be used to append ephemeris points to a vehicle.


To send an ephemeris point including covariance data only to the satellite ERS1:

SetPositionCov */Satellite/ERS1 ECI "1 Nov 2003 00:01:00.00" -4356412.14 -5585630.87 30118.18 -817.0045 688.9229 7426.5578 ECI 1009.1 -763.3 -1254.8 774.0 367.9 11165.6

To send an ephemeris point including covariance data to Aircraft1:

SetPositionCov */Aircraft/Aircraft1 LLA "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00" -19 8 372800 -0.23 0.058 0.002 RICECF 100 0 0 100 0 100

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

