Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set default values for SGP4 and GPS propagators.


SetPropagatorDefaults <ApplicationPath> {Propagator} {PropOptions}

Related commands


The SetPropagatorDefaults command sets default values used when creating satellites with the SGP4 or GPS propagator.

{Propagator} can be SGP4 or GPS.

If {Propagator} is SGP4, the valid values for {PropOptions} are described in the following table.

SGP4 {PropOptions}Description
Use1PtInterpolation {On | Off}Indicate whether to use 1-point interpolation for SGP4.
ValidateEphemeris {On | Off}If you enter On, STK validates that the SGP4 routine computes a good state.
Output1PtWarning {On | Off}If you enter Off, STK will suppress any warnings from the 1-point interpolation.
Module {SGP4 | <ModuleName>}Specify the module for propagation. SGP4 is the default and indicates that STK will use its internal SGP4 routine. Otherwise, enter the name of any external routine that has been made available to STK.
UpdateMode {None | OnlineAGI | FromFiles}Specify the mode that STK will used to update the TLE for satellites using the SGP4 propagator.
RetrieveMethod {First | All}Specify whether all TLEs for a satellite or only the first should be retrieved.
SwitchMethod {Midpoint | TCA | Epoch}Specify the method for switching between TLEs when the RetrieveMethod has been set to All.
SourceFile "<FilePath>"Specify the source file to be used if UpdateMode is FromFiles.
AllowSGP4ForEphType4 {Yes/True | No/False}When true, allows SGP4 to be used when the EphemerisType of the GP data has the value of four (4). Normally, the value of four (4) indicates that the GP data should be propagated only with SGP4-XP, a routine available via a USSF SGP4 routine, but not available from AGI natively. STK provides an interface to the USSF SGP4 routines; contact customer support for more information.

If {Propagator} is GPS, the valid values for {PropOptions} are described in the following table.

GPS {PropOptions}Description
UpdateMode {None | Online | FromFiles}Specify the mode that STK will use to update the TLE for satellites using the GPS propagator.
RetrieveMethod {First | All}Specify whether all TLEs for a satellite or only the first should be retrieved.
SwitchMethod {Midpoint | TCA | Epoch}Specify the method for switching between TLEs when the RetrieveMethod has been set to All.
SourceFile "<FilePath>"Specify the source file to be used if UpdateMode is FromFiles.


To set defaults for SGP4 propagator:

SetPropagatorDefaults / SGP4 Use1PtInterpolation On Output1PtWarning On

To set defaults for GPS propagator:

SetPropagatorDefaults / GPS UpdateMode Online RetrieveMethod First

To Set the EphemerisType:

SetPropagatorDefaults / SGP4 AllowSGP4ForEphType4 No
SetPropagatorDefaults / SGP4 AllowSGP4ForEphType4 Yes

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options


