Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetState SimpleAscent (Launch Vehicle)

Set the trajectory of a launch vehicle


SetState <LVObjectPath> SimpleAscent {StartTime} [{StopTime}] <StepSize> {Geodetic | Geocentric} <LaunchLat> <LaunchLon> {<LaunchAlt> | <LaunchRadius>} <BurnoutVelocity> <BurnoutLat> <BurnoutLon> {<BurnoutAlt> | <BurnoutRadius>} [NoProp]

Related commands


The SetState SimpleAscent command sets the trajectory of the specified launch vehicle according to the parameters given.

{StartTime} [{StopTime}]For valid {StartTime} and {StopTime} values see Time Options.

If {StartTime} is entered, but no {StopTime}, then by default the stop time will be set ten minutes later than the start time. However, if start and stop times had been entered previously for the LaunchVehicle, the duration specified by those times will be maintained.

<StepSize>Entered in Connect time units and must be greater or equal to 0.001 seconds.
{Geodetic | Geocentric}Specify the method used to enter the remaining parameters.

If Geodetic, specify a <LaunchAlt> and <BurnoutAlt>. If Geocentric, specify a <LaunchRadius> and <BurnoutRadius>.

<LaunchLat>The launch latitude is entered in degrees.
<LaunchLon>The launch longitude is entered in degrees.
{<LaunchAlt> | <LaunchRadius>}The launch altitude or launch radius is entered in Connect distance units.

If Geodetic is specified then enter a <LaunchAlt>, if Geocentric is specified then enter a <LaunchRadius>

<BurnoutVelocity><BurnoutVelocity> is entered using Connect distance units over seconds.
<BurnoutLon>The burnout longitude is entered in degrees.
{<BurnoutAlt> | <BurnoutRadius>}The burnout altitude or burnout radius is entered in Connect distance units.

If Geodetic is specified then enter a <BurnoutAlt>, if Geocentric is specified then enter a <BurnoutRadius>

NoPropIf this optional parameter is included on the command line the vehicle's state will be set but it will not be propagated.


To set the trajectory of the test launch vehicle (distance units are set to kilometers):

SetState */LaunchVehicle/test SimpleAscent "1 Oct 2000 05:00:00.00" 60.0 Geodetic 28 -80 0 7.7 44 -3.5 300

To set the trajectory of the lv2 launch vehicle, specifying both start and stop times (distance units are set to kilometers):

SetState */LaunchVehicle/lv2 SimpleAscent "1 Jul 2005 12:00:00.00" "1 Jul 2005 12:27:00.00" 60.0 Geodetic 28 -80 0 7.7 44 -3.5 300

To set the trajectory of the test launch vehicle (distance units are set to kilometers), with the start time being the scenario's analysis time period start:

SetState */LaunchVehicle/test SimpleAscent UseAnalysisStartTime 60.0 Geodetic 28 -80 0 7.7 44 -3.5 300

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


