Description | Example | Return message | Group


Identify the subobjects of an object or all objects of a certain type


ShowNames <ScenarioPath> [SubObjects [<ParentPath>]] [Class <ClassName>]


The ShowNames command allows you to identify the subobjects of a specified object or all objects of a certain type within a scenario.

The command returns a string that includes the path of each object that meets the criteria. If no objects meet the criteria then None is returned.

<ParentPath> can be a truncated or full object path. <ClassName> is a valid STK class name, e.g. Satellite, Sensor, etc.

The following table shows valid option combinations:

Valid SyntaxDescription
ShowNames * SubObjectsReturn all subobjects of the scenario.
ShowNames * SubObjects <ParentPath>Return all subobjects of <ParentPath>.
ShowNames * SubObjects <ParentPath> Class <ClassName>Return all subobjects of <ParentPath> that are of class <ClassName>.
ShowNames * SubObjects Class <ClassName>Return all subobjects of the scenario that are of class <ClassName>.
ShowNames * Class <ClassName>Return all subobjects of the scenario that are of class <ClassName>.


To return a list of all subobjects of the ERS1 satellite:

ShowNames * SubObjects */Satellite/ERS1

Return message

/Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Downlink /Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon


To return a list of all subobjects of the current scenario:

ShowNames * SubObjects

Return message

/Scenario/Scenario1/AreaTarget/SEAsia /Scenario/Scenario1/Facility/testFac /Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/ERS1 /Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Downlink /Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/ERS1/Sensor/Horizon /Scenario/Scenario1/Satellite/Shuttle


To return a list of all satellites in the current scenario:

ShowNames * Class Satellite

To return a list of all sensors of the ERS1 satellite:

ShowNames * SubObjects */Satellite/ERS1 Class Sensor

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


