Description | Example | Return message | Group

Swath (Vehicles)

Calculate and display a vehicle's swath


Swath <ObjectPath> {Type} <Value> [{DisplayOption}]


The Swath command for vehicles can be used to display vehicle swath.

{Type} can be Elevation, HalfAngle, HalfWidth, ElevationEnvelope and HalfAngleEnvelope.

The <Value> for Elevation, HalfAngle, ElevationEnvelope and HalfAngleEnvelope is entered in degrees. Valid values are between 0.0 and 90.0 degrees.

The <Value> for HalfWidth is entered in Connect distance units. Valid value is greater or equal to 0.0 meters.

{DisplayOption} can be Edge, Filled or None. If you don't specify a {DisplayOption}, the swath is turned Off.


To display a 10 degree filled swath for the satellite Shuttle:

Swath */Satellite/Shuttle Elevation 10.0 Filled

To display a 22 degree half angle swath for the satellite Shuttle, displaying only edges:

Swath */Satellite/Shuttle HalfAngle 22.0 Edge

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


