Description | Example | Return message | Group


Imports Air Traffic Control (ATC) data into TETK. You can Add, Modify, and Delete this data. Individual tracks can use Delete and Promote.


TE_Atc "<ObjectPath>" {Add | Delete | Modify | Promote} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" "<Parameters>"

Related commands


Imports a large number of object data into TETK as an STK MTO Object. TETK will attempt to delineate tracks with the same Id. Once the tracks are created, individual tracks can be promoted by name so that further analysis can be performed. Name "<Name>" specifies the name of the MTO that will be created. This is required. AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This is required.

The following table describes the Add parameters.


Mode = CSV, CTDF requires:

  • File - The full file name containing the TSPI data.
  • Mapping - The TSPI mapping name.

Mode = TECCS requires:

  • File - The full file name containing the track data relative to place locations.
  • RangeLocations - The full file name containing place locations.

Mode = TECCS optional:

  • Day - The string that specifies the day of the track data default analysis object start.
  • Smoothing - The integer for the smoothing value. The default is 0.
BarometricThe value unit for the barometric adjustment. The default is 0. This parameter is optional.
ColorThe color of the tracks. "ById" colors each track randomly. The default color is yellow. This parameter is optional.
UseTimesON | Off in the event that the LeadTrailTime and PrePostTimes values are used. The default is On. This parameter is optional.
LeadTrailTimeThe number of seconds to extend the track trail. The default value is 600. This parameter is optional.
PrePostTimeThe number of seconds to show the dot before/after creation. The default value is 600. This parameter is optional.
DetectON | Off in the event that the delineation of the tracks be performed. The default value is On. This parameter is optional.
ThresholdThe value unit for the threshold speed to split a track. This is useful when the data resuses the Track Id and the next track starts a significant distance from the previous track. The default value is 1200 m/s. This parameter is optional.

The following table describes the Modify options. These parameters are optional.

ColorThe color of the tracks. "ById" colord each track randomly. The default color is yellow.
UseTimesON | Off in the event that the LeadTrailTime and PrePostTimes values are used. The default is On.
LeadTrailTimeThe number of seconds to extend the track trail. The default value is 600.
PrePostTimeThe number of seconds to show the dot before/after creation. The default value is 600.

The following table describes the Delete options. These parameters are optional.

TrackThe name of the track to delete.
<none>No parameters provided. This deletes all of the tracks.

The following table describes the Promote options. These parameters are required.

TrackThe name of the track to promote.
StkNameThe name given to the promoted STK object.


TE_Atc * Add Name "Teccs1" AnalysisObject "Af3_0385" Mode "Teccs" File "C:\Temp\Teccs.asc" RangeLocations "C:\Temp\Places" Day "23 Mar 2018 15:00:00" Smoothing "V1" Barometric "1 m" Color "Pink" UseTimes "ON" LeadTrailTime "65" PrePostTime "5"
TE_Atc * Modify Name "Teccs1" AnalysisObject "Af3_0385" Color "Green" LeadTrailTime "90" PrePostTime "90"
TE_Atc * Delete Name "Teccs1" AnalysisObject "Af3_0385"
TE_Atc * Delete Name "Teccs1" AnalysisObject "Af3_0385" Track "Track_1_1_2"
TE_Atc * Promote Name "Teccs1" AnalysisObject "Af3_0385" Track "plane_23_45" StkName "Plane23"

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.


TETK 2.3.1