Description | Example | Return message | Group


Add or promote a Track


TE_Track <ScenarioPath> {Add | Promote | Demote | Point | Label | Filter} <Parameters>

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_Track command with the Add option allows you to create a T&E Track Workflow and associated STK MTO object.

The TE_Track command with the Promote option allows you to promote a T&E Track Workflow and associated STK MTO object to an STK Aircraft.

The TE_Track Points and Labels commands control the visual representation of the sensor measured MTO track data in the STK 3d Graphics view.

The following table describes the parameters for the options.

Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track
AnalysisObject "<AnalysisObjectName>"The name of the Ownship that contains the data to the track.
Mapping "<MappingName>"The mapping name to use to create the track.
FrameObject "<FrameObjectName>"Optional. Set the source of the reference frame specified in the selected track mapping.
PickMapping "<PickMappingName>"Optional. The pick mapping name to use to display results when you click on the track.
TrackIDs "<CommaSepTrackIDs>"Optional. A comma separated list of the integer Track IDs that should be displayed. If not entered, all Track IDs will be displayed.
IdsExcludeOptional. By default,the list of TrackIDs are included. Using this keyword excludes the list of TrackIDs.
TimePath "<PathToTimeInterval>"Optional. The STK path to a Time Interval component that the track should be limited to.
Type "<ObjectType>"Specifies the object type that is created when a track is promoted. Valid values include aircraft, groundVehicle, launchVehicle, missile, satellite, and ship.
Reader "{ReaderName | fileName}"Optional. Enter either the name of the the reader for the file from which the data should be read or enter the file name. For ReaderName, the name can be found on the Data Import GUI. This parameter is only needed when more than one file has the same track mapping. For fileName, enter the name of the file, not the full file path. Both ReaderName and fileName accept comma separated lists of names.
Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track that is being promoted.
Type "<ObjectType>"Specifies the object type that is created when a track is promoted. Valid values include aircraft, groundVehicle, launchVehicle, missile, satellite, and ship.
DemoteName "<TrackName>"

The display name of the track that is being demoted.

Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track
Show {On | Off}Indicate whether to show the points.
DynamicSettings "{Static | Dynamic | Current}"Type of display. The default value is Static. If DynamicSettings is set to Dynamic, then it also accepts LeadTime and TrailTime as positive integers in seconds. Default is 0,0.
ColorDisplayType "{Static | Dynamic | TrackID}"Type of color display.
ColorContourType "{Smooth | Threshold | Unique}"Type of contour.
ConnectPoints "{On | Off}"Indicate whether the Connect Track Points option in TETK is enabled or disabled.
SetParameter "<ParamName>"Enter the name of the parameter for the point.
StaticColor "{Color}"Set the track color.

Valid if ColorDisplayType is Static.

MinColor "{Color}"The minimum contour color.

Valid if ColorContourType is Smooth.

MaxColor "{Color}"The maximum contour color.

Valid if ColorContourType is Smooth.

InsideColor "{Color}"The color inside the threshold.

Valid if ColorContourType is Threshold.

OutsideColor "{Color}"The color outside the threshold.

Valid if ColorContourType is Threshold.

MinValue "<Value>"With the MaxValue option specify a point value range for generating a color ramp with MinColor and MaxColor values.
MaxValue "<Value>"With the MinValue option specify a point value range for generating a color ramp with MinColor and MaxColor values.
UniqueValues "<value>,<color>,{icon},..."Specify the color and icon to use for specific Track values.

<value>,<color>,{icon} can be entered multiple times within the double quotes. Valid values for {icon} include Circle, Point, Plus, Star, Square, Triangle.

Valid if ColorContourType is Unique.

Units "{UnitAbbrev}"Specify the units that MinValue, MaxValue and UniqueValues are entered in.
OwnshipLineShow "{On | Off}"Displays the ownship line. The default value is Off.
OwnshipLineStep "<PositiveInteger>"Defines the ownship line step. The default value is 1.
Translucency "<Value>"Enter a translucency value for the track points. Acceptable values range from 0 - 100. The default value is 0, which is fully opaque.
BoundsConstraint "<MinLatitude>,<MaxLatitude>,<MinLongitude>,<MaxLongitude>"Set a bounds constraint on the track points by specifying the minimun and maximum latitude and longitude of the boundary. Values must be in degrees and comma separated.
ShowAppliedConstraint {On | Off}Indicate whether to show the applied bounds constraint.
Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track
Show {On | Off}Indicate whether to show the labels.
SetColor "{Color}"Set the label color.
SetParameter "<ParamName>"Enter the name of the parameter that the label is displaying.
SignificantDigits "<Value>"Enter number of decimals places to display.
MaxDisplayAlt "<Value>"The maximum altitude difference between the camera and the point at which the point's label should display.
MaxDisplayUnit "{UnitAbbrev}"The unit that the MaxDisplayAlt value is entered in.

A filter can consist of multiple Segments

Segment Logic {And | Or}After the first segment, this keyword is required.
Segment DataElement "<Source Name> | <Short Name>"Enter the data element's source name and short name. If the Short Name is unique, you can skip the source name.
Limits "{Bounded | Explicit | Greater | Less | ExplicitList}"Enter the limit you want to define.
  • Bounded - "<Value> <Unit>, <Value> <Unit>"
  • Explicit - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • Greater - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • Less - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • ExplicitList - "<Value> <Unit>, <Value> <Unit> ..."

ExplicitList supports a list of value unit pairs. Use of Explicit or ExplicitList is hard to get a match on double values.

Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track that is being assigned a truth object.
TruthPath "<STK Object Path>"The scenario path to the STK object that will be assigned as the track's truth object.
Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track
Show {On | Off}Indicate whether to show the Current Marker.
Type "<TrackType>"Set the current marker type. Valid values are None, Circle, Square, Triangle Up, Triangle Down, Diamond, Double Square, 4 Pointed Star, 5 Pointed Star, Pentagon, Plus, and X.
SetColor "{Color}"Set the current marker color.
Size "<Value>"Enter the size in pixels of the marker. Value must be greater than 0.
Width "<Value>"Enter stroke width of the marker. Values can range between 1 and 10.
Label "<Value>"Set the label for the marker.
ShowLabel {On | Off}Indicate whether to show the marker label.
LabelColor "{Color}"Set the marker label color.
LabelX "<Value>"Enter the X offset in pixels of the marker label.
LabelY "<Value>"Enter the Y offset in pixels of the marker label.


Create a T&E Track Workflow and associated STK MTO object:

TE_Track * Add Name "MyTrack" AnalysisObject "My_Ctdf_Aircraft" Mapping "MeasuredDroneDataMapping" PickMapping "DronePickMapping" TrackIDs "1,2" TimePath "Aircraft/My_Ctdf_Aircraft AvailabilityTimeSpan"

Promote a T&E Track Workflow and associated STK MTO object to an STK Aircraft:

TE_Track * Promote Name "MyTrack"

TE_Track Points example:

TE_Track * Points Name "MyTrack" Show "On" ColorDisplayType "dynamic" ColorContourType "smooth" SetParameter "Magnitude" MinColor "red" MaxColor "blue" MinValue "0" MaxValue "100"

Display a dynamic track point and show the ownship line with a defined ownship line step value:

TE_Track * Points Name "Track4" AnalysisObject "AF385" DynamicSettings "Dynamic" LeadTime "20" TrailTime "20" Translucency "20" OwnshipLineShow "On" OwnshipLineStep "10"

TE_Track Labels example:

TE_Track * Labels Name "MyTrack" Show "On" SetColor "red" SetParameter "Magnitude" SignificantDigits "2" MaxDisplayAlt "10" MaxDisplayUnit "km"

Specify unique values for a TE_Track Points command:

TE_Track * Points Name "MyTrack" ColorDisplayType "dynamic" ColorContourType "unique" SetParameter "Magnitude" Units "km" UniqueValues "1.1,Green,Plus,2.5,Red,Square,3,Blue,Circle"

Change an associated STK MTO object color using RGB values:

TE_Track * Points Name "MyTrack" Show "On" DynamicSettings "Static" StaticColor "%000153051"

Excluding the list of TrackIDs:

TE_Track * AddName "Track4" AnalysisObject "AF385" Mapping "AF385_TrackID" TrackIDs "2" IDsExclude

Filtering by Longitude:

TE_Track * Filter Name "Track2" AnalysisObject "AF385" Segment DataElement "Longitude" Limits "Bounded, -2.05 rad, -2.03 rad"

Filtering by Latitude and Track ID:

TE_Track * Filter Name "Track5" AnalysisObject "Af385" Segment DataElement "Latitude" Limits "Greater, 100 deg" Segment Logic "And" DataElement "Track_ID" Limits "Explicit, 1 unitless"

Assigning a Truth Object:

TE_Track * AssignTruth Name "MyTrack" TruthPath "*/Aircraft/MyTruth"

Set the Current Marker:

TE_Track * CurrentMarker Name "MyTrack" Show "On" SetColor "blue" TYPE "Square" Size "42" Width "4" Label "MyLabel" LabelColor "pink" LabelX "22" LabelY "-10" ShowLabel "On"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

