Create a contour to color the data.
TE_Contours <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" [Time Constraint "<Value>"] {Offset OffsetHoriz | OffsetX OffsetY OffsetZ OffsetFrame}[LineWidth "<Value>"]{Intervals | Levels} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"}
Related commands
The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.
The TE_Contours command generates a contour based on intervals or levels to color the data of an Analysis Object.
Name "<Name>" specifies the name of the contour. This parameter is required.
AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This parameter is required.
The optional Time Constraint "<Value>" specifies the name of a time constraint.
Refer to the following table for the Offset parameters:
<Parameters> | Description |
Offset "<Value>" | Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset vertically from the ephemeris line. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 50 m.
OffsetVert can be used in place of Offset; they function identically. Cannot be used in conjunction with OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ, and OffsetFrame. |
OffsetHoriz "<Value>" | Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset horizontally from the ephemeris line. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.
Cannot be used in conjunction with OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ, and OffsetFrame. |
OffsetX "<Value>" | Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the X axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.
Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz. |
OffsetY "<Value>" | Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the Y axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.
Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz. |
OffsetZ "<Value>" | Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the Z axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.
Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz. |
OffsetFrame "<Value>" | Specify the reference frame for the contour line.
Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz. |
LineWidth "<Value>" specifies the width of the contour line. Valid values are 1-10. Default is 3.
GapTime "<Value>" specifies the maximum time in seconds between data points a contour line will be drawn. If the gap time is set to 0, no gap time is used and a continuous line is drawn between all data points. If the gap time is set to 5 seconds, any span of 5 seconds or more in the data points will not have a contour line.
For the Intervals keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.
<Parameters> | Description |
<Name>,<Color>,... | Enter comma separated pairs of name and color. |
Show "<On | Off>" | Show/Hide the graphic element. |
For the Levels keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.
<Parameters> | Description |
<Value> <Unit>,<Color>,... | Enter comma separated pairs of level value and color. The <Unit> parameter is optional. |
DataElement "[<SourceName> |] <ShortName>" | Enter the name of the data element for the value. If the <ShortName> is enough to identify the element then just enter that. Otherwise, include the <SourceName>, followed by the | (bar), before the <ShortName>. |
BelowColor "<Color> {On | Off}" | Enter a color. This parameter is optional. By defining this parameter, an additional level is added that is less than the lowest defined <Value> parameter. The {On | Off} toggle is only used with the Modify option. |
Above "{On | Off}" | Set the above parameter on or off. This parameter is optional. Setting this parameter to "On" will set the highest defined <Value> parameter as any value above the next highest defined <Value> parameter. This does not add a new level like the BelowColor parameter. |
Show "{On | Off}" | Show/Hide the graphic element. |
Use the Modify option to change any parameter's value; however, you cannot toggle between Levels and Intervals.
Color may be entered using name, value or %rgb.
For the Legend keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.
<Parameters> | Description |
Color "<Color>" | Enter a color. |
FontSize "<value>" | Enter the font size in points. |
Width "<value> | auto" | Enter the width in pixels or auto to automatically size the legend based on its contents. |
Digits "<value>" | Enter the number of digits to display. |
Translucency "<value>" | Enter a translucency value for the background of the legend. Acceptable values range from 1 - 100. The default value is 50. |
ShowValue "<On | Off>" | Define whether the legend should display the current value of the data element. The default value is ON. |
ShowLegend "<On | Off>" | Define whether the legend should display on the contour. This is useful in the TE_Contours Modify command. The default value is ON. |
Unit "<unit>" | Specificy the unit of measure that will display for the data element value and the contour level values. |
ShowUnit "<On | Off>" | Specify whether the units are shown with the Display Label. |
FontColor "<Color>" | The color of the font when displaying trhe contour level values. |
Add a contour that is initially hidden
Display the contour legend
Do not display thhe contour legend
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Group membership
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You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.
You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.
TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.