Description | Example | Return message | Group


Create a contour to color the data.


TE_Contours <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" [Time Constraint "<Value>"] {Offset OffsetHoriz | OffsetX OffsetY OffsetZ OffsetFrame}[LineWidth "<Value>"]{Intervals | Levels} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"}

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_Contours command generates a contour based on intervals or levels to color the data of an Analysis Object.

Name "<Name>" specifies the name of the contour. This parameter is required.

AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This parameter is required.

The optional Time Constraint "<Value>" specifies the name of a time constraint.

Refer to the following table for the Offset parameters:

Offset "<Value>" Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset vertically from the ephemeris line. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 50 m.

OffsetVert can be used in place of Offset; they function identically.

Cannot be used in conjunction with OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ, and OffsetFrame.

OffsetHoriz "<Value>" Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset horizontally from the ephemeris line. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.

Cannot be used in conjunction with OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ, and OffsetFrame.

OffsetX "<Value>" Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the X axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.

Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz.

OffsetY "<Value>" Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the Y axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.

Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz.

OffsetZ "<Value>" Specify the number of meters the contour line is offset from the Z axis. The optional <Unit> parameter is used to specify the measurement unit. The default value is 0 m.

Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz.

OffsetFrame "<Value>" Specify the reference frame for the contour line.

Cannot be used in conjunction with Offset/OffsetVert and OffsetHoriz.

LineWidth "<Value>" specifies the width of the contour line. Valid values are 1-10. Default is 3.

GapTime "<Value>" specifies the maximum time in seconds between data points a contour line will be drawn. If the gap time is set to 0, no gap time is used and a continuous line is drawn between all data points. If the gap time is set to 5 seconds, any span of 5 seconds or more in the data points will not have a contour line.

For the Intervals keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.

<Name>,<Color>,...Enter comma separated pairs of name and color.
Show "<On | Off>"

Show/Hide the graphic element.

For the Levels keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.

<Value> <Unit>,<Color>,...Enter comma separated pairs of level value and color. The <Unit> parameter is optional.
DataElement "[<SourceName> |] <ShortName>"Enter the name of the data element for the value. If the <ShortName> is enough to identify the element then just enter that. Otherwise, include the <SourceName>, followed by the | (bar), before the <ShortName>.
BelowColor "<Color> {On | Off}"

Enter a color. This parameter is optional.

By defining this parameter, an additional level is added that is less than the lowest defined <Value> parameter.

The {On | Off} toggle is only used with the Modify option.

Above "{On | Off}"

Set the above parameter on or off. This parameter is optional.

Setting this parameter to "On" will set the highest defined <Value> parameter as any value above the next highest defined <Value> parameter. This does not add a new level like the BelowColor parameter.

Show "{On | Off}"

Show/Hide the graphic element.

Use the Modify option to change any parameter's value; however, you cannot toggle between Levels and Intervals.

Color may be entered using name, value or %rgb.

For the Legend keyword, refer to the following table to define the valid parameters.

Color "<Color>"Enter a color.
FontSize "<value>"Enter the font size in points.
Width "<value> | auto"Enter the width in pixels or auto to automatically size the legend based on its contents.
Digits "<value>"Enter the number of digits to display.
Translucency "<value>"Enter a translucency value for the background of the legend. Acceptable values range from 1 - 100. The default value is 50.
ShowValue "<On | Off>"Define whether the legend should display the current value of the data element. The default value is ON.
ShowLegend "<On | Off>"Define whether the legend should display on the contour. This is useful in the TE_Contours Modify command. The default value is ON.
Unit "<unit>"Specificy the unit of measure that will display for the data element value and the contour level values.
ShowUnit "<On | Off>"Specify whether the units are shown with the Display Label.
FontColor "<Color>"The color of the font when displaying trhe contour level values.


TE_Contours * Add Name "Comp1" AnalysisObject "AF385" Intervals "run1,blue,run2,red" Time Constraint "AvailabilityTimeSpan"
TE_Contours * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" Levels "0,-16181,11.46 deg,%255255000,0.4 rad,green" DataElement "Latitude" BelowColor "red" Above "On"
TE_Contours * Add Name "Contour2" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Levels "1, Yellow, 2, %255000000, 3, Blue" DataElement "AF3_0385_MeasuredTracks_ID.csv | Track_ID"

Add a contour that is initially hidden

TE_Contours * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" Levels "0,-16181,11.46 deg,%255255000,0.4 rad,green" DataElement "Latitude" BelowColor "red" Above "On" Show "Off"

Display the contour legend

TE_Contours *Add Name "Cont1" AnalysisObject "AF385" Levels "0.6 rad, red, orange, 0.63, green, 0.64, blue" DataElement "Latitude" Legend Width "Auto" FontSize "9" FontColor "green" UNit "rad" Location "1,20,20" VOWindow "0"

Do not display thhe contour legend

TE_Contours * Modify Name "Cont 1" AnalysisObject"AF385" Levels "0.6 rad, red, orange, 0.63, green, 0.64, blue" DataElement "Latitude" Legend ShowLegend "Off"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

