Description | Example | Return message | Group


Add a display which shows data changing over time.


TE_DataDisplay <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" {Interval | Numeric} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"}

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_DataDisplay command adds a data display to an STK 3D window.

Name "<Name>" specifies the name of the contour. This parameter is required.

AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This parameter is required.

The following table describes parameters used for the Add option.

DataElement "<Description>"Enter comma separated data describing the data element "<DataElement>,<label>,<units>,<ShowUnits>,<StaticColor>,<GapTime>"

<ShowUnits> can be On or Off.

<StaticColor> is optional and can be entered using name, value or %rgb.

<GapTime> is optional but requires StaticColor also be set. It is a double value greater or equal to 0 that indicates the maximum time in seconds between data points before data drop out occurs. A value of zero indicates the default DataDropOut preference will be used instead.

The format for specifying <DataElement> is: "[<SourceName> |] <ShortName>". If the <ShortName> is enough to identify the element then just enter that. Otherwise, include the <SourceName> followed by the | (bar), before the <ShortName>. Refer to examples of each below.

Interval <Name>,<Label>,..."Enter comma separated pairs of time interval name and label.

The following table describes parameters used for the Modify option.

<Index> indicates which DataElement to modify. The first value is 1.

DataElement "<Description>"Enter comma separated data describing the data element "<Index>,<DataElement>,<label>,<units>,<ShowUnits>,<StaticColor>,<GapTime>"

<Index> indicates which DataElement to modify. The first value is 1.

<ShowUnits> can be On or Off.

<StaticColor> is optional and can be entered using name, value or %rgb.

<GapTime> is optional but requires StaticColor also be set. It is a double value greater or equal to 0 that indicates the maximum time in seconds between data points before data drop out occurs. A value of zero indicates the default DataDropOut preference will be used instead.

The format for specifying <DataElement> is: "[<SourceName> |] <ShortName>". If the <ShortName> is enough to identify the element then just enter that. Otherwise, include the <SourceName> followed by the | (bar), before the <ShortName>. Refer to examples of each below.

Interval <Index>,<Name>,<Label>,..."Enter comma separated pairs of time interval name and label.
ShowAllUnits "<On | Off>"

Show/Hide the units for all elements in the data display.

This will override Show for individual data elements.

The following table describes the rest of the parameters used for either option.

Color "<Color>"Enter a color. Color may be entered using name, value or %rgb.
FontSize "<value>"Enter the font size in points.
Width "<value> | auto"Enter the width in pixels or auto to automatically size the display based on its contents.
Digits "<value>"Enter the number of digits to display.
Translucency "<value>"Enter a translucency value for the background of the data display. Acceptable values range from 1 - 100. The default value is 50.
Location "<cornerNum>,<xOffset>,<yOffset>, {Pixel | Percent}"Enter the location. <cornerNum> can be 1 - 4.
VoWindow "<WindowNum>"Enter the index of STK 3D window (starting at 0).
Gauge "<Bar | Dial | Dial360 | Artificial Horizon>, {min minUnit, max maxUnit}"Analysis object must have Pitch and Roll numeric elements to use Artificial Horizon. Note: When displaying an artificial horizon via Connect, only Pitch and Roll must be supplied. Additional data elements are not supported. Note: Bar and dial-type data displays only support a single data element.
TimeConstraint "<Value>"Specify the name of a time constraint. This parameter supports fully qualified names as well as just the middle word of the name.
Gradient "<Index>, <Data Element>, {<Value1> <Unit1>, <Color1>, <Value2> <Unit2>, <Color2>...}"Specify a contour to colorize the data display.
Show "<On | Off>"

Show/Hide the graphic element.

SVGFile "<Filepath>"

Enter the path to the custom SVG file.


TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data1" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Latitude, Lat, deg, ON"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data2" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Longitude, Lon, deg, ON" Color "orange" FontSize "10" Width "250" Digits "1" Location "1,25,25" VoWindow "0"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data3" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Latitude, Lat, rad, ON" Gauge "Dial"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data4" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Longitude, Lon, rad, ON" Gauge "Dial360"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data5" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Pitch, Pitch, deg, ON" DataElement "Roll, Roll, deg, ON" Gauge "Artificial Horizon"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data6" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "Latitude, Lat, deg, OFF" DataElement "Longitude, Lon, deg, ON" Color "%255255000" TimeConstraint "run1"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data7" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Interval "AvailabilityTimeSpan, Available" color "-23296" FontSize "10" Width "250" Location "1,25,25" VoWindow "0"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data8" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Interval "AvailabilityTimeSpan, Available" Interval "run1, run2"
TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "DataElems" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric DataElement "AF3_0385_MeasuredTracks_ID.csv | Latitude, Lat, deg, ON"

Specify a static color for a data element

TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data9" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric Data Element "Ownship.csv | Cal Air Speed, Cal Air Speed, knots, on, red" Color "Green"

Specify a gap time for a data element

TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data9" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Numeric Data Element "Ownship.csv | Cal Air Speed, Cal Air Speed, knots, on, red, 3.5" Color "Green"

Specify a contour for a data element

TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "Data10" AnalysisObject "XF1_0123" Numeric DataElement "Ownship.csv | Cal Air Speed, Cal Air Speed, knots, on" Color "White" Gradient "1, Cal Air Speed, 0.0 knots, red, 200 knots, green, 300 knots, red"

Add a file path to an SVG file.

TE_DataDisplay * Add Name "SVGDisplay" AnalysisObject "XF1_0123" Numeric DataElement "Ownship.csv | Latitude, deg, off" SVGFile "C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Help\TeTraining\Training files\circle.svg" Show "On"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

