Description | Example | Return message | Group


Create, graph or delete a sensor quick look pairing.


TE_SensorQuickLooks <ScenarioPath> {Action} From <SensorName> To <TargetName> {Options}

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_SensorQuickLooks command allows a user to create, graph or delete a sensor quick look pairing (create the scalars) between sensor and target.

The valid values for {Action} are:


The following table describes the To and From objects.

From "<SensorName>"The name of an STK sensor.
To "<TargetName>"The name of an STK object.

The following table describes the {Options}.

Name "<Name>"The name of the quick look.
Frame {Spherical | Rectangular}Specify the frame.
Interval "<FilePath>The full path of the interval.
Show "{On | Off}"Used with Angle or Vector action.
Overlay "{On | Off}"Used with Graph action.
Axes <Axes>The name of an STK VGT Axes component, used with Vector or Create actions.


TE_SensorQuickLooks * Create from "Sensor1" to "Target1" Axes "Sensor1_NativeAxes_01" Frame "Spherical"
TE_SensorQuickLooks * Graph from "Sensor1" to "Target1" Name "AzElSlant" Frame "Spherical" Overlay "On"
TE_SensorQuickLooks * DeleteGraphs from "Sensor1" to "Target1" Frame "Spherical"
TE_SensorQuickLooks * Vector From "Sensor1" To "Target1" Name "Direction" Axes "Sensor1_NativeAxes_01" Show "ON"
TE_SensorQuickLooks * Angle From "Sensor1" To "Target1" Name "Azimuth" Frame "Rectangular" Show "ON"
TE_SensorQuickLooks * Delete From "Sensor1" To "Target1" Frame "Spherical"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

