Description | Example | Return message | Group


Create one of five types of Time Components.


TE_TimeComponent <ObjectPath> {Type} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters>

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_TimeComponent command generates a time instance or interval on the STK Timeline. The time values are shown on the 3D Window.

Valid values for {Type} are ManualTimes, ManualIntervals, MetricIntervals, MetricInstance, and MultiMetric.

Name "<Name>" is the name of the time component. This parameter is required.

AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This parameter is required.

The following table describes the parameters that are valid for any {Type}.

Label "<Label>"The text for the label.
Icon "<FilePath>"The full file path of the icon.
Annotation "<Text>"The text for the annotation.

The user must specify either an icon, label, or both. Annotation is optional.

The following table describes the parameters for the ManualTimes option.

ManualTimes <Time1>,<Time2>Enter two comma separated times.

The following table describes the parameters for the ManualIntervals option.

ManualIntervals <Time1>,<Time2>Enter two comma separated times.
Start {On | Off}Default is On.
Stop {On | Off}Default is On.

The following table describes the parameters for the MetricInstance option.

MetricInstance <Value>Enter a value, unit.
DataElement "<DataElement>"The name of a data element for the <Value>.

See below for format of <DataElement>.

TimeConstraint <Constraint>Enter the name of a time constraint. This parameter supports fully qualified names as well as just the middle word of the name. This parameter is optional.

The following table describes the parameters for the Metric Interval option.

Metric Interval <Time1>,<Time2>Enter a comma separated pair of values and a unit (value, value, unit).
DataElement "<DataElement>"Enter the name of the data element.

The format for specifying <DataElement> is: "[<SourceName> |] <ShortName>". If the <ShortName> is enough to identify the element then just enter that. Otherwise, include the <SourceName> followed by the | (bar), before the <ShortName>. Refer to examples of each below.

TimeConstraint <Constraint>Enter the name of a time constraint. This parameter is optional.

The following table describes the parameters for the MultiMetric option.

MultiMetric <Filter>

A filter can consist of multiple Segments.

Segment Logic {And | Or}After the first segment, this keyword is required.
Segment DataElement "<Source Name> | <Short Name>"Enter the data element's source name and short name. If the Short Name is unique, you can skip the source name.
Limits "{Bounded | Explicit | Greater | Less | ExplicitList}"Enter the limit you want to define.
  • Bounded - "<Value> <Unit>, <Value> <Unit>"
  • Explicit - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • Greater - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • Less - "<Value> <Unit>"
  • ExplicitList - "<Value> <Unit>, <Value> <Unit> ..."

ExplicitList supports a list of value unit pairs. Use of Explicit or ExplicitList is hard to get a match on double values.

Segment <Value>Enter a segment value. Each segment requires a "DataElement" and "Limits" keyword. After the first segment, the 'Logic" keyword is required.


TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp1" AnalysisObject "AF385" ManualTimes 29 Oct 2014 15:23.500,29 Oct 2014 15:33.500 Label "a" Icon "c:\Temp\redPointer.png" Annotation "here lies trouble"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" ManualIntervals 29 Oct 2014 15:23.500,29 Oct 2014 15:33.500 Label "b" Icon "c:\Temp\bluePointer.png" Annotation "here lies more trouble" Start On Stop Off
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" Manual Instance 0.613,rad DataElement "Latitude" Label "c" Icon "c:\Temp\greenPointer.png" Annotation "moving up"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" ManualIntervals 0.613,0.614,rad DataElement "Longitude" Label "d" Icon "c:\Temp\yellowPointer.png" Annotation "moving away"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Component6" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" MetricInstance -35000 DataElement "AF3_0385_MeasuredTracks_ID.csv [Track3] | NorthWestUp_X" Label "a"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp2" AnalysisObject "AF385" MultiMetric Segment DataElement "Longitude" Limits "Greater -2 rad, -2.1 rad" Segment Logic "and" DataElement "AccelerationX" Limits "Less, 1.1 m/s^2" icon "C:\Temp\myIcon.png" Annotation "not too high or fast"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp3" AnalysisObject "AF385" MultiMetric Segment DataElement "TrackId" Limits "Explicit 1 unitless" TimeConstraint "AF385 AvailabilityTimeSpan"
TE_TimeComponent * Add Name "Comp4" AnalysisObject "AF385" MultiMetric Segment DataElement "TrackId" Limits "ExplicitList 1 unitless, 2 unitless" Segment Logic "or" DataElement "Latitude" Limits "Bounded 100 deg, 120 deg"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

