Description | Example | Return message | Group


Generate a Track comparison


TE_TrackComparison <ScenarioPath> {Add | Export} <Parameters>

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The TE_TrackComparison command is used to generate a Track comparison

The following table describes the parameters for the Add option.

Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track.
AnalysisObject "<AnalysisObjectName>"The name of the Ownship that contains the data to the track.
Track "<TrackName>"The name of the track.
TruthObject "<ObjectPath>"Specify the STK object that represents the actual path flown by the test object.
TruthPointing "{TruthPointing}"The vector creation method from the truth object that will be used when creating the track comparison. Valid values are: SensorBoresight, StkVector, StkObject, and None. The default is StkObject.
MeasuredObject "<ObjectPath>"Optional. Specify the STK object that represents the sensor detected path flown by the test object. The default is the promoted track.
MeasuredPointing "{MeasuredPointing}"Optional. The vector creation method from the measured object that will be used when creating the track comparison. Valid values are: SensorBoresight, StkVector, StkObject, and None. The default is StkObject.
ReferenceSystem "<ReferenceSystem>"Enter the specification of a VGT System component.
TimePath "<TimeInterval>"Optional. Enter the specification of a Time Interval component that the track should be limited to. The default is EphemerisTimeSpan.
ComputeCovandError "<ON | OFF>"Optional. Define whether you wish to include covariance and error ellipse data in the track comparison calculation.

The following table describes the parameters for the Update option. An Update can only be applied against an existing Track Comparison. It requires the Name attribute from the existing Track Comparison.

Show "<Value>"Shows the vector or angle visuals that you define in the values. You can supply multiple Show attributes in the same command. Supported values:
  • name - The name of the vector or angle that the TrackComparison created.
  • Component - Shows the vector or angle.
  • Name - Shows the name of the vector or angle.
  • Value - Shows the magnitude of the vector or the value of the angle.
  • Color - Specify the color by name or by value.
Hide "<Value>"Hides the vector or angle visuals that you define in the values. You can supply multiple Hide attributes in the same command. Supported values:
  • name - The name of the vector or angle that the TrackComparison created.
  • Component - Hides the vector or angle.
  • Name - Hides the name of the vector or angle.
  • Value - Hides the magnitude of the vector or the value of the angle.

The following table describes the parameters for the Export option. The Filter parameters are optional.

Name "<TrackName>"The display name of the track.
File "<FilePath>"
AzimuthFilterFrom <Value>The minimum value of an azimuth filter.

The AzimuthFilterTo filter must be entered with this filter.

AzimuthFilterTo <Value>The maximum value of an azimuth filter.

The AzimuthFilterFrom filter must be entered with this filter.

AzimuthFilterUnit <unitAbbrev>The abbreviation of the units that the azimuth values are entered in. The default is radians.
ElevationFilterFrom <Value>The minimum value of an elevation filter.

The ElevationFilterTo filter must be entered with this filter.

ElevationFilterTo <Value>The maximum value of an elevation filter.

The ElevationFilterFrom filter must be entered with this filter.

ElevationFilterUnit <unitAbbrev>The abbreviation of the units that the elevation values are entered in. The default is radians.
SlantRangeFilterFrom <Value>The minimum value of a range filter.

The SlantRangeFilterTo filter must be entered with this filter.

SlantRangeFilterTo <Value>The maximum value of a range filter.

The SlantRangeFilterFrom filter must be entered with this filter.

SlantRangeFilterUnit <unitAbbrev>The abbreviation of the units that the range values are entered in. The default is meters.


To set up a T&E Track comparison:

TE_TrackComparison * Add Name "TrackCompare" AnalysisObject "AF3_0385" Track "MyTrack" TruthObject "Aircraft/Drone" TruthPointing "StkObject" MeasuredObject "Aircraft/MyTrack_Measured" ReferenceSystem "Aircraft/AF3_0385 NorthWestUp System" TimePath "Aircraft/AF3_0385 AvailabilityTimeSpan Interval"

To update an existing Track Comparison to show vector or angle visuals:

TE_TrackComparison * Update Name "TrackCompare1" Show "To_Track_Measured, Component, Name, Value, Blue" Show "TrackCompare1_MissAngle, Component, Value"

To update an existing Track Comparison to hide vector or angle visuals:

TE_TrackComparison * Update Name "TrackCompare2" Hide "To_Track_Measured, Name" Hide "TrackCompare2_MissAngle, Value"

To export a T&E Track comparison:

TE_TrackComparison * Export Name "TrackComp1" File "\\\agi\common\dev\TnE_toolkit\data\RegressionTests\Tests\TrackComparison\Output\TrackCompare2.csv" AzimuthFilterFrom "-70" AzimuthFilterTo "70" AzimuthFilterUnit "deg" ElevationFilterFrom "-70" ElevationFilterTo "70" ElevationFilterUnit "deg" SlantRangeFilterFrom "5" SlantRangeFilterTo "20" SlantRangeFilterUnit "km"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

