Description | Example | Return message | Group


Execute a Track Truth workflow in T&E Tool Kit.


TE_TrackTruthMatch * {Add | Remove} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters>

Related commands


The T&E Tool Kit Plugin must be installed in order to use this command.

The Track Truth Matching workflow involves a smart filter comparing the track points to an actual flight path. It examines each point of the specified track(s) and determine if it passes the filter. Using the Unname keyword, a new track is produced containing only the points which pass the filter. You can retrieve the number of passing/failing points using the related command - TE_TrackTruthMatch_RM.

Name "<Name>" specifies the name of the contour. This parameter is required.

AnalysisObject "<Name>" is the name of the analysis object. This parameter is required.

The following table describes other parameters.

TruthName of the ownship the track points will be compared with.
TracksA comma-separated list of workflow track names.
Filter"Remove", | "Unname", vertical value and unit, horizontal value and unit, range value and unit


TE_TrackTruthMatch * Add Name "TrackTruth1" AnalysisObject "AF385" Truth "Target1" Tracks "Track1,Track2" Filter "Remove 2 deg, 2 deg, 500 m"
TE_TrackTruthMatch * Remove Name "TrackTruth1" AnalysisObject "AF385"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

T & E Toolkit

You can use TETK Connect commands in TETK scenarios for pre-flight planning, post-flight analysis, and to support analysis workflows.

You should not use TETK Connect commands when real-time propagators are creating STK vehicles and using STK features instantaneously. The use of Connect commands in a real-time application requires more computational power than STK can support.

TETK functionality that is commonly referred to as "real-time" is actually an offline analysis mode. In this mode, an STK/TETK scenario is prepared with data that is streamed to a particular time in a mission. The post-flight analysis can be prepared again on demand throughout the mission for the data for each time of request. You can use TETK Connect commands in these scenarios.

