Description | Example | Return message | Group


Add or remove terrain data to be used in STK calculations


Terrain <ScenarioPath> {Action} <Parameters>

Related commands


The Terrain command enables you to set the options for terrain imagery and data.

{Action} can be Add, Modify, Remove, TerrainServer, AddPreload, RemovePreload, ClearCache, TotalCacheSize.

Terrain Add and Modify commands

This command enables you to specify terrain sources to add to a scenario, or modify terrain sources. The format for this command is:

Terrain <ScenarioPath> {Add | Modify} {Options} <Parameters>

The following table describes the {Options} <Parameters> available for the Terrain Add and Modify commands.

{Options} <Parameters>Description
Type {TerrainType}Specify the terrain type. See the table below for valid {TerrainType} values.

This option is required for the Terrain Add command.

File "<TerrainFile>"Specify the terrain file.

This option is required for the Terrain Add or Modify commands.

CentralBody <CBName>Specify the Central Body of the terrain. If you do not enter this option, then STK will use the scenario's central body.
UseTerrain {On | Off}Specify whether STK should use terrain in calculations. The default value is On.
MaxCacheSize <Size>Enter <Size> in bytes; the default is 128 megabytes. Specify the amount of memory the cache for this terrain source can use. It must be between one megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) and two gigabytes (2,147,483,648 bytes). The MaxCacheSize should not be greater than the TotalCacheSize; see Terrain TotalCacheSize command below.
MaxCacheRegionSize <Size>Enter <Size> in bytes; the default is 1 megabyte. Specify the amount of memory each region in the cache can use. It must be between 512 bytes and two gigabytes (2,147,483,648 bytes).

The following table describes terrain types.

MRASMUSE Raster File (DTE) is NGA (formerly known as NIMA) elevation data that has been converted using the MUSE software raster importer. MUSE terrain files contain position information.

The MUSE Raster file format is deprecated for STK 12.8.

DEMDigital Elevation Model (DEM) is U.S. Geological Survey data of moderate resolution.
DMEDNIMA/NGA Terrain Directory (DMED) is NGA (formerly known as NIMA) Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED).
HDRSTK World Terrain (HDR) is DEM-derived data for the entire Earth.
GRD98GEODAS Grid Data (G98) is from GEODAS (GEOphysical DAta System), which is an interactive database management system developed by the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) for use in the assimilation, storage, and retrieval of geophysical data.
MOLAThis is Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter terrain data
GTOPO30This is global digital elevation model with horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc-seconds.
ARCINFOBINThis is ArcInfo Binary Grid format, using WGS84 as a vertical datum.
ARCINFOBINMSLThis is ArcInfo Binary Grid format, using MSL as a vertical datum. It is appropriate for NED terrain data.
ARCINFOGRIDDEPTHMSLThis is ArcInfo Grid format, using depths relative to mean sea level (MSL).
NIMAFileNIMA/NGA Terrain Cell are the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Terrain Cell files, which are the individual cells available on DTED CDROMs.
PDTTThis is a PDTT Version 1 AGI Terrain file.
TIFFThis is a tagged image format file.
TIFFmslThis is a tagged image format file, mean sea level.

Terrain Remove command

This command enables you to remove a specified terrain file. If you do not enter the CentralBody option, then the command will remove the specified terrain from the scenario's central body.

Terrain <ScenarioPath> Remove File "<TerrainFile>" [CentralBody <CBName>]

Terrain TerrainServer commands

This command enables you specify how STK is to use terrain.

Terrain <ScenarioPath> TerrainServer {Option} <Parameters>

The following table describes the {Option} <Parameters> available for the Terrain TerrainServer commands.

{Option} <Parameters>Description
UseTerrainForAnalysis {Yes | No}Specify whether or not STK uses terrain elevation data in computations.
AzElMaskEnabled {Yes | No}Specify whether or not STK uses terrain for an azimuth-elevation mask.
LineOfSightOnTerrainEnabled {Yes | No}Specify whether or not STK uses terrain when determining line of sight.

Terrain AddPreload and RemovePreload commands

This command enables you to load a region of terrain into the cache. The RemovePreload option removes the region from the preloaded list.

Terrain <ScenarioPath> {AddPreload | RemovePreload} File "<TerrainFile>" South <Degrees> West <Degrees> North <Degrees> East <Degrees>

Valid values for South and North are -90 to 90 degrees. Valid values for East and West are -360 to 360 degrees.

Terrain ClearCache command

This command enables you to clear the terrain cache and any lower-level caches associated with the terrain source (i.e., file).

Terrain <ScenarioPath> ClearCache File "<TerrainFile>"

Terrain TotalCacheSize command

This command enables you to set the total cache size, not individual terrain sources, for the analytical terrain in a scenario. The default is 384 megabytes. Enter <CacheSize> in bytes. It must be greater than or equal to 1,048,576 bytes (1 megabyte).

Terrain <ScenarioPath> TotalCacheSize <CacheSize>


To add the w001001.adf file to the current scenario:

Terrain * Add Type ARCINFOBINMSL File "NED_05793792\ned_05793792\w001001.adf"

To add the testterrain.dte DEM file to the current scenario:

Terrain * Add Type DEM File "C:\Documents\Terrain\testterrain.dte"

To add the world30 terrain, specifying cache size:

Terrain * Add Type HDR File "D:\Terrain\world30.hdr" MaxCacheSize 67108864 MaxCacheRegionSize 32768

To remove the world30 terrain:

Terrain * Remove File "D:\Terrain\world30.hdr"

To add the test2.dte terrain to the Moon:

Terrain * Add File "D:\Terrain\test2.dte" Type MRAS CentralBody Moon

To turn off the use of the test2.dte terrain on the Moon:

Terrain * Modify File "D:\Terrain\test2.dte" Type MRAS CentralBody Moon UseTerrain Off

To remove the test2.dte terrain from the Moon:

Terrain * Remove File "D:\Terrain\test2.dte" Type MRAS CentralBody Moon

To set the total cache size for the scenario:

Terrain * TotalCacheSize 1073741824


To use terrain elevation data for azimuth elevation masks:

Terrain * TerrainServer AzElMaskEnabled Yes

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window


