Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO GroundMarker (Vehicles)

Define the display of markers representing vehicles in the 3D window


VO <ObjectPath> GroundMarker {MarkerOption} <Parameters>

Related commands


The VO GroundMarker command allows you to customize the display of the ground markers representing launch vehicles, satellites and missiles in the 3D window. You can use predefined markers or import .ppm files for use as custom markers.

The VO GroundMarker command uses the same syntax as the VO Marker command. Refer to that command for a complete description of the GroundMarker options and parameters.


To use a line marker in the shape of a triangle with a pixel size of 6 to represent Missile1:

VO */Missile/Missile1 GroundMarker MarkerType Line Shape Triangle Size 6

To rotate the marker for Missile1 45 degrees counterclockwise and make it transparent:

VO */Missile/Missile1 GroundMarker Rotate On Angle 45.0 Transparent On

To use image.ppm with a size of 5 pixels to represent LaunchVehicle1:

VO */LaunchVehicle/LaunchVehicle1 GroundMarker MarkerType Imagefile Imagefile "C:\temp\image.ppm" Size 5

To use the sjgpewrh--mtusg MIL-Std 2525b symbol to represent the ERS1's current positon in the 3D Graphics window:

VO */Satellite/ERS1 GroundMarker MarkerType ImageFile SymbolId "shgpewrh--mtusg" Imagefile "C:\test.bmp" Show On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


