Data Provider Groups | Data Provider Elements

Interval List

A time component that produces an ordered list of time intervals.

Available for these objects: Access, Aircraft, Antenna, AreaTarget, Chain, CoverageDefinition, Facility, GroundVehicle, LaunchVehicle, LineTarget, Missile, Place, Planet, Radar, Receiver, Satellite, SatelliteCollection, Scenario, Sensor, Ship, Target, Transmitter

Type: Interval data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs

Data Provider Groups

Any Time Interval List component owned by the object is available for use, including user defined ones. Use the Analysis Workbench listing or the Report Manager->Report Content Properties tool to determine the actual set of components that can be used for a specific object.

Data Provider Elements

Interval NumberUnitlessIntegerA count associated with each reported interval.
Start TimeDateReal Number or TextBeginning of an interval.
Stop TimeDateReal Number or TextEnd of an interval.
DurationTimeReal NumberDuration of the interval.