Data Provider Groups | Data Provider Elements

Scalar Calculations

Calculation component that produces scalar time-varying calculations.

Available for these objects: Access, Aircraft, Antenna, AreaTarget, Facility, GroundVehicle, LaunchVehicle, LineTarget, Missile, Place, Planet, Radar, Receiver, Satellite, SatelliteCollection, Scenario, Sensor, Ship, Star, Target, Transmitter

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Groups

Any Scalar Calculation component owned by the object is available for use, including user defined ones. Use the Analysis Workbench listing or the Report Manager->Report Content Properties tool to determine the actual set of components that can be used for a specific object.

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
ScalarDimensionOfScalarComponentReal NumberScalar value of the calculation component.
Scalar RateRateDimensionOfScalarComponentReal NumberThe rate of change of the scalar calculation component.