Advanced CSV Export

The Advanced CSV Export form allows you to select additional information to include in the CSV export.

To display the Advanced CSV Export form, enabled Advanced CSV Export in the Configuration Form, and then select Export to CSV... from the File Menu.

Advanced CSV Export Form

Include resource setup times

Adds Resource Setup Time column, which contains semicolon delimited setup time information for all resources in the assignment.

Include max and min elevation

Adds Min Elevation (deg) and Max Elevation (deg) columns, which contain semicolon delimited lists of the min/max elevation between every pair of ground and space resources during the assignment.

Include minimum revolution number

Adds Min Rev Number column, which contains a semicolon delimited list of the minimum orbit number for all resources in the assignment.

Export all timeslots

Includes all timeslots for tasks, rather than just the assignments for the tasks. This also adds a Type column to differentiate timeslots and assignments.