Timeslot Score Tab

The timeslot score tab contains the controls that allow you to define the scale of timeslot score values.

Timeslot Score Tab

STK Scheduler allows you to specify a score value to each slot using the Timeslot Definition Form. The Figure of Merit calculation uses the slot scores to determine which of the possible deconflicted schedule solutions contains a resource possibility/slot pair that is most preferred. STK Scheduler allows you to determine the score range within valid integer min/max values (-2, 147, 483, 648 to 2, 147, 483, 647).

Slot score range should be changed prior to defining any tasks.

Timeslot Score Min Textbox

The timeslot score minimum textbox allows you to define a numerical value that corresponds to the smallest number in the score range.

Timeslot Score Max Textbox

The timeslot score maximum textbox allows you to define a numerical value that corresponds to the greatest number in the scoring range.