AGI Ui Plugins 11 Send comments on this topic.
Project Overview


User interface (UI) plugins provide the capability to extend AGI products at run-time. UI plugins allow you to leverage your own software development environment (SDE) to integrate custom user interfaces that run seamlessly inside AGI products, and exist alongside the standard elements and controls provided by our COTS software packages. UI plugins allow you to add custom toolbars, extend existing context menus, host custom windows, and manage plugin properties. Using these custom toolbars, context menus, and user controls, you can follow workflows unique to your organization or use third-party code directly within the desktop environment. The result is powerful user-defined workflows which can enhance your user experience and extend AGI products to accommodate powerful integration of AGI technology and in-house functionality.


Objects Description
IAgProgressTrackCancel The interface represents the progress of a lengthy action.
IAgUiPlugin Represents a UI plugin that extends the GUI of the hosting application at run-time.
IAgUiPlugin2 UI plugin optionally implements IAgUiPlugin2 to extend the application's custom menus and main menu bar.
IAgUiPlugin3DMouseEventArgs Contains information about the 3D mouse event.
IAgUiPlugin3DNotify Plugins implement this interface to get notified whenever user picks on a single object or selects multiple objects in a 3D window.
IAgUiPlugin3DNotifyContext Provides methods to interact with a 3D window.
IAgUiPlugin3DPickEventArgs Contains information about the 3D pick event.
IAgUiPluginCommandParameters Represents a collection of named values.
IAgUiPluginCommandTarget Allows the UI plugin to handle named commands.
IAgUiPluginConfigurationPageActions The interface represents the configuration page actions.
IAgUiPluginConfigurationPageActions2 The interface is implemented by the custom configuration pages.
IAgUiPluginConfigurationPageBuilder Represents a configuration page in the hosting enviroment. Using this interface UI plugins can add custom configuration pages.
IAgUiPluginConfigurationPageSite The interface represents a site object for the custom configuration pages created with UI plugins.
IAgUiPluginEmbeddedControl Represents a hosted control object embedded into a custom widow hosted within the integrated environment.
IAgUiPluginEmbeddedControlSite Represents a site object for the custom windows hosted within the integrated enviroment.
IAgUiPluginEmbeddedWindowHandle The interface is used to with native user controls which can be hosted by the integrated environment.
IAgUiPluginHtmlWindowSite The interface enables opening HTML windows within the integrated environment.
IAgUiPluginLicense Provides methods to retrieve additional information about the UI plugin.
IAgUiPluginMenuBuilder The interface enables creating custom context menus.
IAgUiPluginMenuBuilder2 IAgUiPluginMenuBuilder2 extends the existing context menu extensibility mechanism. Using IAgUiPluginMenuBuilder2 the UI Plugin can now insert menu items and pop-up menus at a specified position of the parent menu.
IAgUiPluginSelectedObject Represents a selected object in the object browser.
IAgUiPluginSelectedObjectCollection The interface represents a collection of selected objects in the object browser.
IAgUiPluginSite The interface represents a site object for the UI plugins.
IAgUiPluginSite2 The interface represents a site object for the UI plugins.
IAgUiPluginToolbarBuilder Represents a toolbar in the hosting enviroment. Using this interface UI plugins can configure their custom toolbars.
IAgUiPluginWindowCreateParameters Represents a custom window configuration object used to create custom windows integrated within the hosting environment.
IAgUiPluginWindowSite The interface enables creating custom windows within the integrated environment.


Enumeration Description
AgEProgressTrackingOptions Combination of the values control the progress animation behavior
AgEProgressTrackingType Defines various progress feedback appearances
AgEToolBarButtonOptions Defines bitmasks used to control the toolbar button command and update processing.
AgEUiPlugin3DPickType Pick types.
AgEUiPluginCommandState The enumeration values represent the command state bit mask.
AgEUiPluginHelpDisplayType Specifies constants indicating a help element to display.
AgEUiPluginKeyMouseState Key and mouse button mask bits
AgEUiPluginLogMsgType Log message types.
AgEUiPluginMenuBarKind The enumeration values specify menu types that are extended at run-time by the UI Plugins.
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