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IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings Interface


Time array containing times at which the specified condition will change its satisfaction status. Determination is performed within the interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.

Object Model

Public Properties

Public Property Condition The condition component.
Public Property Convergence The Convergence definition, which uses time tolerance to determine when time of extremum is found.
Public Property CustomTimeLimits Specify the interval list within which intervals of satisfaction are sought. The default is set to overall availability of host object.
Public Property Sampling The Sampling definition, which can use a fixed step, relative tolerance or curvature tolerance. Relative tolerance uses a combination of relative and absolute changes in scalar values between samples. Curvature tolerance also uses changes in slope between samples.
Public Property SatisfactionCrossing The crossing condition.
Public Property SaveDataOption Determine if computed intervals of satisfaction are saved/loaded, or recomputed on load if necessary.
Public Property UseCustomTimeLimits Specify whether to use custom time limits.


Create and configure condition crossings event array.
[C#] Copy Code
IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayConditionCrossings("MyEventArrayConditionCrossings""MyDescription"); 
IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings asConditionCrossings = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings; 
IAgCrdnCondition scalarBound = provider.Conditions.Factory.CreateConditionScalarBounds("Bound""MyDescription"); 
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds asScalarBounds = scalarBound as IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds; 
asScalarBounds.Scalar = provider.CalcScalars["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Latitude"]; 
asScalarBounds.Operation = AgECrdnConditionThresholdOption.eCrdnConditionThresholdOptionInsideMinMax; 
//asScalarBounds.Set(-0.349, 0); 
asConditionCrossings.Condition = scalarBound; 
IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes(); 
if (timeArrays.IsValid) 

    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0); 
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i) 
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals) 
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start); 
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop); 


Create and configure condition crossings event array.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim eventArray As IAgCrdnEventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayConditionCrossings("MyEventArrayConditionCrossings", "MyDescription")
Dim asConditionCrossings As IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings = TryCast(eventArray, IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings)

Dim scalarBound As IAgCrdnCondition = provider.Conditions.Factory.CreateConditionScalarBounds("Bound", "MyDescription")
Dim asScalarBounds As IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds = TryCast(scalarBound, IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds)
asScalarBounds.Scalar = provider.CalcScalars("GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Latitude")
asScalarBounds.Operation = AgECrdnConditionThresholdOption.eCrdnConditionThresholdOptionInsideMinMax
'asScalarBounds.Set(-0.349, 0);

asConditionCrossings.Condition = scalarBound

Dim timeArrays As IAgCrdnFindTimesResult = eventArray.FindTimes()
If timeArrays.IsValid Then
    Dim numTimes As Integer = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0)
    Dim i As Integer = 0
    While i <>
    End While

    For Each timeArray As IAgCrdnInterval In timeArrays.Intervals
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start)
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.[Stop])
End If

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings

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