Gets or sets the origin from which the
overlay's position is defined. By default, the value of this
property is
ScreenOverlayOrigin.BottomLeft. See
Screen Overlay Origin for a list of the possible origins and a
description of how the origin affects the measurement of the
overlay's position and size properties.
Read-write property
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Property Origin() As AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin
[C#] |
public AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin Origin {get; set;}
[Managed C++] |
public: __property AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin get_Origin();
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT get_Origin(
[Java] |
public AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin getOrigin();public void setOrigin(