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IAgTransmitterModelComplex Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods defining a complex transmitter model.

Object Model

Public Methods

Public Method SetFilter Sets the current filter model by name.
Public Method SetModulator Sets the current modulator model by name.
Public Method SetPolarizationType Sets the current polarization type.

Public Properties

Public Property AntennaControl Gets the receiver antenna control.
Public Property DataRate Gets or sets the data rate.
Public Property EnableFilter Gets or set the flag determines wether or not to enable the Filter.
Public Property EnablePolarization Gets or sets the enable polarization option
Public Property Filter Gets the current filter model.
Public Property Frequency Gets or sets the carrier frequency.
Public Property Modulator Gets the current modulator model.
Public Property Polarization Gets the polarization
Public Property PostTransmitGainsLosses Gets the collection of additional post transmit gains and losses
Public Property Power Gets or sets the power.
Public Property SupportedFilters Gets an array of supported filter model names.
Public Property SupportedModulators Gets an array of supported modulator model names.


Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using complex models
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkObject xmtrAsStkObject = geoTransmitter as IAgStkObject; 
IAgStkObject rcvrAsStkObject = facilityReceiver as IAgStkObject; 
//Enable the rain loss computation on the scenario RF environment 
scenarioRFEnv.PropagationChannel.EnableRainLoss = true
//Set the transmitter to the complex model 
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Complex Transmitter Model"); 
IAgTransmitterModelComplex complexTrans = geoTransmitter.Model as IAgTransmitterModelComplex; 
//Set the complex transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz 
complexTrans.Frequency = 3.2
//Set the complex transmitter model's Power to 50 dBW 
complexTrans.Power = 50.0
//Set the complex transmitter's embedded antenna model to helix 
//Set the beamwidth of the parablic antenna to 2 degrees 
IAgAntennaModelHelix helix = complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModel as IAgAntennaModelHelix; 
helix.NumberOfTurns = 30.0
//Orient the complex transmitter embedded antenna's boresight to point directly at the receiver's location 
complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModelOrientation.AssignAzEl(287.283.4, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate); 
//Set the receiver to the complex model 
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Complex Receiver Model"); 
IAgReceiverModelComplex complexRcvr = facilityReceiver.Model as IAgReceiverModelComplex; 
//Configure the complex receiver to use the antenna object on the same parent facility, by linking 
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.ReferenceType = AgEAntennaControlRefType.eAntennaControlRefTypeLink; 
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.LinkedAntennaObject = "Antenna/FacilityDish"
//Enable rain loss computation on the receiver 
complexRcvr.UseRain = true
complexRcvr.RainOutagePercent = 0.001
//Enable the receiver system noise temperature computation. 
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate; 
//Enable the antenna noise temperature computation 
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate; 
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.UseRain = true
//Orient the antenna object's boresight to point directly at the transmitter's location 
facilityDish.Orientation.AssignAzEl(202.641.2, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate); 
//Set the antenna object's model to parabolic 
//Set the antenan object's design frequency to match the transmitter's 3.2 GHz 
facilityDish.Model.DesignFrequency = 3.2
//Set the antenna object's parabolic model diameter to 5 m. 
IAgAntennaModelParabolic parabolic = facilityDish.Model as IAgAntennaModelParabolic; 
parabolic.InputType = AgEAntennaModelInputType.eAntennaModelInputTypeDiameter; 
parabolic.Diameter = 5.0
//Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects 
IAgStkAccess linkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject); 
//Compute access 
// Get the access intervals 
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes; 
// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval 
Array dataPrvElements = new object[] { "Time""Xmtr Gain""Rcvr Gain""Eb/No""BER" }; 
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = linkAccess.DataProviders["Link Information"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar; 
for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0) 

    object startTime = null, stopTime = null
    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime); 
    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60ref dataPrvElements); 
    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues(); 
    Array xmtrGain = result.DataSets[1].GetValues(); 
    Array rcvrGain = result.DataSets[2].GetValues(); 
    Array ebno = result.DataSets[3].GetValues(); 
    Array ber = result.DataSets[4].GetValues(); 
    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1) 
        string time = (string)timeValues.GetValue(index1); 
        double xmtrGainVal = (double)xmtrGain.GetValue(index1); 
        double rcvrGainVal = (double)rcvrGain.GetValue(index1); 
        double ebnoVal = (double)ebno.GetValue(index1); 
        double berVal = (double)ber.GetValue(index1); 
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Xmtr Gain = {1} Rcvr Gain = {2} Eb/No={3} BER={4}", time, xmtrGainVal, rcvrGainVal, ebnoVal, berVal); 


Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using complex models
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim xmtrAsStkObject As IAgStkObject = TryCast(geoTransmitter, IAgStkObject)
Dim rcvrAsStkObject As IAgStkObject = TryCast(facilityReceiver, IAgStkObject)

'Enable the rain loss computation on the scenario RF environment
scenarioRFEnv.PropagationChannel.EnableRainLoss = True

'Set the transmitter to the complex model
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Complex Transmitter Model")
Dim complexTrans As IAgTransmitterModelComplex = TryCast(geoTransmitter.Model, IAgTransmitterModelComplex)

'Set the complex transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz
complexTrans.Frequency = 3.2

'Set the complex transmitter model's Power to 50 dBW
complexTrans.Power = 50

'Set the complex transmitter's embedded antenna model to helix

'Set the beamwidth of the parablic antenna to 2 degrees
Dim helix As IAgAntennaModelHelix = TryCast(complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModel, IAgAntennaModelHelix)
helix.NumberOfTurns = 30

'Orient the complex transmitter embedded antenna's boresight to point directly at the receiver's location
complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModelOrientation.AssignAzEl(287.2, 83.4, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate)

'Set the receiver to the complex model
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Complex Receiver Model")
Dim complexRcvr As IAgReceiverModelComplex = TryCast(facilityReceiver.Model, IAgReceiverModelComplex)

'Configure the complex receiver to use the antenna object on the same parent facility, by linking
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.ReferenceType = AgEAntennaControlRefType.eAntennaControlRefTypeLink
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.LinkedAntennaObject = "Antenna/FacilityDish"

'Enable rain loss computation on the receiver
complexRcvr.UseRain = True
complexRcvr.RainOutagePercent = 0.001

'Enable the receiver system noise temperature computation.
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate

'Enable the antenna noise temperature computation
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.UseRain = True

'Orient the antenna object's boresight to point directly at the transmitter's location
facilityDish.Orientation.AssignAzEl(202.6, 41.2, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate)

'Set the antenna object's model to parabolic

'Set the antenan object's design frequency to match the transmitter's 3.2 GHz
facilityDish.Model.DesignFrequency = 3.2

'Set the antenna object's parabolic model diameter to 5 m.
Dim parabolic As IAgAntennaModelParabolic = TryCast(facilityDish.Model, IAgAntennaModelParabolic)
parabolic.InputType = AgEAntennaModelInputType.eAntennaModelInputTypeDiameter
parabolic.Diameter = 5

'Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects
Dim linkAccess As IAgStkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject)

'Compute access

' Get the access intervals
Dim accessIntervals As IAgIntervalCollection = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes

#If Not CSToJava Then
' Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Dim dataPrvElements As Array = New Object() {"Time", "Xmtr Gain", "Rcvr Gain", "Eb/No", "BER"}
#End If

Dim dp As IAgDataPrvTimeVar = TryCast(linkAccess.DataProviders("Link Information"), IAgDataPrvTimeVar)

Dim index0 As Integer = 0
While index0 <>
    Dim startTime As Object = Nothing, stopTime As Object = Nothing

    #If Not CSToJava Then
    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, startTime, stopTime)
    #End If

    #If Not CSToJava Then
    Dim result As IAgDrResult = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60, dataPrvElements)
    #End If

    Dim timeValues As Array = result.DataSets(0).GetValues()
    Dim xmtrGain As Array = result.DataSets(1).GetValues()
    Dim rcvrGain As Array = result.DataSets(2).GetValues()
    Dim ebno As Array = result.DataSets(3).GetValues()
    Dim ber As Array = result.DataSets(4).GetValues()

    Dim index1 As Integer = 0
    While index1 <>
        Dim time As String = DirectCast(timeValues.GetValue(index1), String)
        Dim xmtrGainVal As Double = DirectCast(xmtrGain.GetValue(index1), Double)
        Dim rcvrGainVal As Double = DirectCast(rcvrGain.GetValue(index1), Double)
        Dim ebnoVal As Double = DirectCast(ebno.GetValue(index1), Double)
        Dim berVal As Double = DirectCast(ber.GetValue(index1), Double)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Xmtr Gain = {1} Rcvr Gain = {2} Eb/No={3} BER={4}", time, xmtrGainVal, rcvrGainVal, ebnoVal, berVal)
    End While

End While

CoClasses that Implement IAgTransmitterModelComplex

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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1