Radiation model
ComputeDoseRates | Computes dose rate information for each shielding thickness and returns a collection to access the computed data. |
ComputeElectronFluxes | Computes electron fluxes at the specified time, returned in an array of doubles (1 flux per electron energy). Uses FluxPerParticleEnergy Dimension. |
ComputeElectronIntegralFluxes | Computes electron integral fluxes at the specified time, returned in an array of doubles (1 flux per electron energy). Uses FluxPerParticleEnergy Dimension. |
ComputeProtonFluxes | Computes proton fluxes at the specified time, returned in an array of doubles (1 flux per proton energy). Uses FluxPerParticleEnergy Dimension. |
ComputeProtonIntegralFluxes | Computes proton integral fluxes at the specified time, returned in an array of doubles (1 flux per proton energy). Uses FluxPerParticleEnergy Dimension. |
GetElectronEnergies | Returns electron energies in an array of doubles. Uses ParticleEnergy Dimension. |
GetProtonEnergies | Returns proton energies in an array of doubles. Uses ParticleEnergy Dimension. |
Ap | Ap 15-day average value. Dimensionless. |
ApSource | Mode for computing 15 day average Ap |
ComputationMode | Models that are to be included when modeling radiation |
DetectorGeometry | Detector geometry used by CRRES and NASA models. |
DetectorType | Detector material |
DoseChannel | Measure of the linear energy transfer to model |
DoseIntegrationStep | The sampling step used for integrating dose. Uses Time Dimension. |
DoseReportStep | The stepsize to use for dose related data providers. Uses Time Dimension. |
FluxFile | Flux file containing Ap values |
FluxStatus | Info concerning the ability to compute flux values given the computation mode and Scenario's energy values that have been set |
IncludeNuclearAttenNeutrons | Flag to include neutrons in nuclear attenuation model |
ShieldingThicknesses | The shielding thicknesses. Dose and dose rate can be computed for each thickness. |
ShiftSAA | Flag to shift the SAA based on the model's epoch. |
UseModelEpoch | Flag to use model's epoch for magnetic field. |
UseNuclearAttenuation | Flag to model nuclear attenuation |