IAgVmVO Interface for a volumetric object's
3D Graphics properties.
BoundaryLegend | Get the 3D Graphics properties for Volumetric Boundary Legend. |
CrossSection | Get the 3D Graphics properties for planar cross-sections through the volumetric grid. |
FillLegend | Get the 3D Graphics properties for Volumetric Fill Legend. |
Grid | Get the Grid properties of 3D Graphics window for the volumetric object. |
Quality | Sets/gets the quality of the graphics display. |
Shading | Enables to add shading to the boundary surface. Shading slows down animation but generates helpful lighting effects based on surfaces. |
ShowBoundaryLegend | Enables/disables boundary legends in 3D Graphics window for Volumetric object. |
ShowFillLegend | Enables/disables fill legends in 3D Graphics window for Volumetric object. |
Smoothing | Enables to smooth out the volume and surface boundaries using interpolation between grid points. |
Visible | Display volumetric object including Grid, Volume, and Cross Sections in 3D Graphics window. |
Volume | Get the 3D Graphics properties for Volume. |
Name |
AgVmVO |