Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set or modify options for a CommSystem


CommSystem <CommSystemPath> {Options} [<Parameters>]

Related Commands


The CommSystem command allows you to specify the values of a specific CommSystem as pointed to by a specific attribute.

Valid values for {Options} are SetValue, AddItem, RemoveItem, Compute, and Clear.

The <AttributePath> specifies the attribute to be set, added to or removed from. Use the CommSystem_RM GetValue command to return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.

When entering a numeric value include the <Unit> to specify the abbreviation of the unit that the numeric value is being entered in. If not included then the <Value> is assumed to be in the internal units.

The following table further describes the {Options}.

{Options} <Parameters> Description
SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Use to set the <AttributePath> to the <Value>. Include the <Unit> if specifying a numeric value in a unit other than the internal unit for the attribute.
AddItem <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Used to add an additional item to a list that is pointed to by <AttributePath>. If the <AttributePath> does not point to a list, this command returns NACK.

When adding to a list of STK Objects then <Value> will be: TruncPath <TruncObjPath> following the <AttributePath>. STK Object list attribute paths include:

  • Transmitters
  • Receiver
  • InterferenceSources
RemoveItem <AttributePath> <Value> Used to remove an item from the list pointed to by <AttributePath> and the given index specified in <Value>. The index values begin at 0.

Alternatively, when removing an item from a list of STK Objects the <Value> can be: TruncPath <TruncObjPath> to indicate which list item to be removed.

Compute [NOW] Calculate link and interference data for a Comm System.

Warning: The Compute command may take some time to complete calculations, depending on the number of objects in the Comm System and the time interval selected.

Hint: You can force a compute by specifying the optional NOW parameter. Otherwise, this command will set the compute flag and the actual compute will be carried out later (e.g. before report generation).

Clear N/A Clear the compute cache and thus clear the graphics when the graphics are refreshed. The next time a CommSystem report is requested, the CommSystem will recompute.

Use this command in conjunction with the CommSystem_RM GetValue command, which will return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.


Set the CommSystem Role to Transmit and add transmitters, and set the step size to half a minute:

CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSystem1 SetValue ConstrainingRole Transmit
CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSystem1 AddItem Transmitters TruncPath Constellation/Constellation3
CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSystem1 SetValue StepSize 0.5 min


To set access option aberration type attribute, first use the CommSystem_RM GetValue command with the Choices option on the AccessOptions.AberrationType attribute to get the names of valid aberration types:

CommSystem_RM */CommSystem/CommSystem1 GetValue AccessOptions.AberrationType:Choices


Set the access option aberration type attribute:

CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSystem1 SetValue AccessOptions.AberrationType "Total"


To clear and then force CommSystem1 to compute:

CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSys1 Clear
CommSystem */CommSystem/CommSys1 Compute NOW


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1