Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Get information about a CommSystem.


CommSystem_RM <CommSystemPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>]

Related Commands


The CommSystem_RM command allows you to get the value(s) of specific CommSystem as pointed to by a specific attribute.

If <AttributePath> is not included then the command will return the list of all attributes, and the values of those attributes.

There are three properties common to all attributes that can be used to retrieve information about them - Properties, Choices, and Size. These properties should be placed at the end of the attribute path, separated from the attribute by a colon (e.g., :Choices). The following table describes these properties.

Property Description
Properties Use Properties to retrieve the currently defined values of all of the properties of the attribute. This includes items such as minimum and maximum values of the attribute, the dimension and unit of the attribute, etc.
Choices The Choices property returns a list of all possible choices for non-Boolean attributes with specific arrays of values.
Size The Size property returns the number of rows in the attribute's list, for attributes that can have rows of values.


Return the CommSystem attributes:

CommSystem_RM */CommSystem/CommSystem1 GetValue


UserComment = CommSystem
Transmitters = <empty>
Receivers = <empty>
CalculateInterference = true
ReferenceBandwidth = 4 KHz
InterferenceSources = <empty>
ConstrainingRole = Receive
LinkCriteria = Minimum Range
TimePeriod.Interval.IntervalEventName = Scenario/SimpleScen AnalysisInterval
TimePeriod.Interval.IntervalEventDisplayName = SimpleScen AnalysisInterval (Read-only)
StepSize = 1.00000000 sec
SaveMode = Save compute data
AccessOptions.UseLightTimeDelay = true
AccessOptions.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.00005000 sec
AccessOptions.AberrationType = Annual
AccessOptions.EventDetection = Subsample
AccessOptions.EventDetection.TimeConvergence = 0.00500000 sec
AccessOptions.EventDetection.AbsValueConvergence = 1e-014
AccessOptions.EventDetection.RelValueConvergence = 1e-008
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod = Adaptive
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod.MaxTimeStep = 360.00000000 sec
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod.MinTimeStep = 0.01000000 sec


Return the choices for the LinkCriteria attribute:

CommSystem_RM */CommSystem/CommSystem1 GetValue LinkCriteria:Choices


Maximum Elevation
Minimum Range
Plugin Script


Return the properties for the AccessOptions.SamplingMethod attribute:

CommSystem_RM */CommSystem/CommSystem1 GetValue AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties


AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.Description = SamplingMethod (Read-only)
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.ReadOnly = false
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.class = LINKTO
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.Fixed = true = SamplingMethod
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.Choices = 2
AccessOptions.SamplingMethod:Properties.size = 3

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1