Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Creates a TLE file, using Satellites obtained from the Satellite database.


CreateTLEFile <ScenarioPath> {Source} "<TLEFilePath>" [{Options}] {SearchParameters}

Related Commands


The CreateTLEFile command will create a tle file using information extracted from the specified Satellite database based on the input search parameters. No Satellites are loaded as a result of this command.

"<TLEFilePath>" is the output tle file, it should have a ".tle" or ".tce" extension. If the file exists it will be overwritten.

This command will Nack if no matches are found using the search criteria.

The {Source} can be any of the following:

{Source} Description
DefaultSatDB Use the default Satellite database file.
"<TLEFilePath>" The full path of a tle file, this file should have the extension ".tle" or ".tce".
AGIServer Indicates that the source is the AGI Server.

The next table lists the {Options} for the tle file. None of these options is required.

{Options} Description
TimePeriod {TimeInterval} Specify the time period for tle's added to the file.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

The default is to use the Scenario time period

The following table describes the {SearchParameters} for the Satellite database. At least one {SearchParameters} must be entered with the command. Values specified as <Name> are character values and can include a wildcard, e.g. CommonName gps*. If the desired value contains a space then the <Name> must be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. Owner "Burkina Faso"

{SearchParameters} Description
SSCNumber <Value> Specify the ssc number of the satellite.
CommonName <Name> Specify the common name of the satellite.
OfficialName <Name> Specify the official name of the satellite.
Owner <Name> Specify the country that owns the satellite.
Mission <Name> Specify the mission that the satellite performs.
InternationalNumber <Name> Specify the international number of the satellite to be imported. The international number format is YYYY-DDD and an alpha indicator if there is more than one part of the satellite.
Status {Active | Inactive} Specify the status of the satellite.
Apogee <MinApo> <MaxApo> Specify the minimum and maximum search limits for apogee. Values are entered in Connect distance units and should be between 0.0 and 999999000.0m.
Perigee <MinPer> <MaxPer> Specify the minimum and maximum search limits for perigee. Values are entered in Connect distance units and should be between 0.0 and 999999000.0m.
Period <MinPer> <MaxPer> Specify the minimum and maximum search limits for period. Values are entered in Connect time units and should be between 0.0 and 5999940.0 seconds.
Inclination <MinInc> <MaxInc> Specify the minimum and maximum search limits for Inclination. Values are entered in degrees and should be between 0.0 and 180.0.


After changing your Connect distance units to km, this command will create a file containing the tles for Satellites whose name begins with gps, that are active and whose apogee is between 10.0km and 300000.0 km:

CreateTLEFile * DefaultSatDB "c:\MyTemp\myTCE2.tce" CommonName gps* Apogee 10.0 300000.0 Status Active


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1