Description | Example | Return Message | Group

ImportTLEFile (Satellites)

Import satellite(s) from TLE data


ImportTLEFile <ScenarioPath> "<FilePath>" [{ImportOption} <Value> {ImportOption} <Value>...]

Related Commands


The ImportTLEFile Connect command imports satellites from a TLE file into the active scenario.

The name of the TLE file (*.tle or *.tce), that you wish to import satellites from, is specified using the "<FilePath>" parameter. The complete path and filename must be entered and enclosed in quotes.

If you do not specify any {ImportOption}, then all satellites in the file (except duplicates) are loaded.

Valid {ImportOptions} and associated <Value> are:

{ImportOption} <Value> Description
SSCNumber <SSCNumber> Satellites matching the <SSCNumber> specified will be loaded. This option can be entered multiple times on one command line.
Satellite <TruncObjectPath> Load the specified TLE set into the satellite specified by <TruncObjectPath>. If the Satellite option is included, the SSCNumber must also be entered, and the Satellite specified must already exist in the current scenario.

Note: if multiple SSCNumbers are entered then the Satellite option is invalid.

AutoPropagate On Ephemeris is propagated using the scenario Time Period (or the period set by the StartStop {ImportOption} if it is included) and the SGP4 propagator.
TimeStep <StepSize> Enter a value representing the interval between calculated ephemeris output points in seconds. Using this option will also turn on AutoPropagate.
StartStop {TimeInterval} Define the beginning and end of the satellite's time period. Using this option will also turn on AutoPropagate.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

Constellation <ConstellationName> STK creates a constellation (if it doesn't already exist) and places all of the selected satellites in it.
Merge On STK merges new TLE data with existing TLE data for any existing satellites with the same name as those selected for inserting.
Off STK does not merge TLE data.
Routine <RoutineName> Select a different implementation of the SGP4 routine for propagating ephemeris for this satellite. For more information on changing SGP4 routines see the SetSGP4Prop command.

Note: If multiple SSCNumbers entered and one is invalid, a warning message will appear in the message viewer, but other SSCNumbers will be created and the command will Ack.


To load all satellites in the interest.tce TLE file, propagate their orbits and create a single constellation that includes all satellites contained in that TCE file:

ImportTLEFile * "C:\STKInstall\Data\tce\interest.tce" AutoPropagate On TimeStep 30.0 StartStop "14 Oct 2003 00:00:00.00" "15 Oct 2003 00:00:00.00" Constellation NewConstellation

To select the TLE set with the SSCNumber 21897 from the molniyaMult.tce file and merge them into one satellite:

ImportTLEFile * "C:\STKInstall\Data\tce\molniyaMult.tce" SSCNumber 21897 Merge On

To load three SSC numbers (creating a new satellite for each SSC number) from the file: stkSatDbAll.tce, propagate them and put them in a constellation:

ImportTLEFile * "C:\STKInstall\STKData\Databases\Satellite\stkSatDbAll.tce" SSCNumber 25994 SSCNumber 14780 SSCNumber 25682 Autopropagate On Constellation AllSats


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1