Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics Label

Control the display of object labels


Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options}


The Graphics Label command allows you to turn the display of an object's label on or off.

The {Options}are described in the following table.

{Options} Description
Show {On | Off} Show or Hide the label.

If the <ObjectPath> is other than Scenario then when the object's label is turned on or off, the object's Inherit Display Flag setting will be turned off.

If the <ObjectPath> is the Scenario, labels for all objects in the scenario are turned On or Off, except for objects whose Inherit Display Flag is turned off.

LabelText {UseInstanceName | "<Text>"} Use the LabelText option to set the label for an instance to the input text string. Using this command does not change the instance name. The label text is used only for display. Specify UseInstanceName to set the label to the object's name.

Note: This option is not valid for Scenario, Planet or Star.


To turn Off the labels for all objects in the current scenario:

Graphics * Label Show Off

To set the label text for the Shuttle:

Graphics */Satellite/Shuttle Label LabelText "Current Shuttle"

To turn On the label for the Shuttle and use the object's instance name:

Graphics */Satellite/Shuttle Label Show On LabelText UseInstanceName


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets

Facilities, Places & Targets

2D Object Graphics

Line Targets


Stars & Planets




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1