Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics (MTO)

Defines the global 2D Graphics attributes for a Multi-Track Object (MTO).


Graphics <MTOObjectPath> {GfxOptions}


The Graphics (MTO) command is used to define the display of all tracks in a Multi-Track Object (MTO).

{GfxOptions} Description
Show {On | Off} Turn on or off all tracks.
ShowAllLines {On | Off} Turn on or off the lines on all tracks.
ShowAllLabels {On | Off} Turn on or off the labels on all tracks.
ShowAllMarkers {On | Off} Turn on or off the markers on all tracks.
Show2D {On | Off} Turn on or off the display of 2D graphics. If 2D graphics are not required, turning them off will result in improved performance.


The following command disables the display of the "mt1" object's tracks in the 2D Graphics window.

Graphics */MTO/mt1 show off


Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1