Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar)

Control the antenna grid size and resolution for contour graphics


Graphics <CommObjectPath> Pattern <NumberOfPhiPoints> <MinPhi> <MaxPhi> <NumberOfThetaPoints> <MinTheta> <MaxTheta>

Related Commands


The Graphics Pattern command allows you to control the antenna pattern grid size and resolution for contouring. The grid is controlled by specifying the appropriate angle ranges. The antenna gain values are interpolated to generate the antenna pattern as the desired resolution. <Theta> represents the angle off the antenna boresight and <Phi> is the rotation angle about the antenna boresight, starting from the antenna X-axis.

Valid values for Phi and Theta are -180.0 degrees to 180.0 degrees.

Valid values for number of points are 2 to 1000.

This command is valid for antennas and for receivers, radars and transmitters whose Contour Type is Antenna Gain or EIRP. Use the Graphics ContourSet command to set graphics for objects whose Contour Type is Flux Density or RIP.

Note: Receiver and transmitter graphics can be displayed only if the transmitter or receiver is defined as a Complex, GPS Satellite, Laser, or Multibeam model. Because the Simple and Medium antenna models are isotropic, there is no data to contour.


Graphics */Facility/Customer/Receiver/GndRcvr Pattern 40 0.0 180.0 20 0.0 50.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1