Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics ContourSet

Control the antenna pattern resolution for contouring.


Graphics <CommObjectPath> ContourSet {ContourOption} <Parameters>

Related Commands


Use the Graphics ContourSet command to set the antenna pattern resolution for contouring. The finer the resolution, the smoother the graphics appear. The following table describes the {ContourOption} <Parameters>.

{ContourOption} <Parameters> Description
ShowGfx {On | Off} Turn on or off the contour graphics.
ShowAtAlt {On <Altitude> | Off} Show the contour at the specified altitude above the Earth. <Altitude> is entered in Connect distance units, and must be greater or equal to 0.0.
"{ContourType}" <Params> Set the antenna pattern resolution based on the contour type. Valid values for {ContourType} are: "Antenna Gain", "Flux Density", "EIRP", "RIP". See the following table for a description of <Params> for the {ContourType}.

The following table describes the <Params> based on {ContourType}. For Receivers and Antennas the only valid value for {ContourType} is "Antenna Gain".

{ContourType} <Params> Description
"Antenna Gain" Pattern <NumAz> <azStart> <azStop> <NumEl> <elStart> <elStop>

Pattern <AzResolution> <ElResolution> <MaxEl>

<NumAz> and <NumEl> must be between 2 and 1000. <azStart>, <azStop>, <elStart> and <elStop> must be between -180.0 and 180 degrees.

<AzResolution> and <ElResolution> must be between 0.000001 and 30. <MaxEl> is entered in degrees and must be between 0 and 90.0.

"Flux Density" LatLon <AzResolution> <ElResolution> <MaxEl> <AzResolution> and <ElResolution> must be between 0.000001 and 30. <MaxEl> is entered in degrees and must be between 0 and 90.0.

Note: Receiver and transmitter graphics can be displayed only if the transmitter or receiver is defined as a Complex, GPS Satellite, Laser, or Multibeam model. Because the Simple and Medium antenna models are isotropic, there is no data to contour.


Graphics */Satellite/Satellite2/Transmitter/Transmitter1 ContourSet "Flux Density" LatLon 15 15 60

Graphics */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 ContourSet "Antenna Gain" Pattern 40 0.0 180.0 20 0.0 50.0

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Radar1 ContourSet "RIP" LatLon 15 15 60

Graphics */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Xm14 ContourSet ShowAtAlt On 12000.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1