Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Propagate vehicle ephemeris


Propagate <SatObjectPath> [{TimeInterval}]


Use the Propagate command to generate ephemeris for a satellite, missile or launch vehicle.

{TimeInterval} indicates the time period during which ephemeris is to be generated. For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

You can also use the Propagate command to generate ephemeris for ships, aircraft and ground vehicles. The {TimeInterval} should be omitted for these vehicles, and if entered will be ignored. The entire route will be propagated for these vehicles.

Note: Satellite, missile or launch vehicle must have a propagator defined before using this command.

Note: Satellite, missile or launch vehicle are propagated using only the existing initial state. For information about changing or setting the propagator and parameters, refer to the SetState commands.

Note: If the propagator of a Satellite is Astrogator, the {TimeInterval}, if entered, will be ignored.


The following command changes the ephemeris of the satellite Shuttle in the current scenario to propagate over an eight-hour period:

Propagate */Satellite/Shuttle "2 Nov 2000 00:00:00.00" "2 Nov 2000 08:00:00.00"

To propagate the route of Ship1:

Propagate */Ship/Ship1

To propagate the Satellite over the scenario analysis time period:

Propagate */Satellite/Shuttle UseScenarioInterval


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1