Description | Example | Return Message | Group

RCS (Deprecated)

Set and modify RCS values for an object (Deprecated Command)


RCS <ObjectPath> {RCSOption} <Parameters>




Note: This command was deprecated in STK 10.1, it should no longer be used. This command has been replaced by the RCS command.

Set and modify RCS values for an object.

{RCSOption} <Parameters> Description
Inherit {On | Off} Inherit RCS settings from the scenario object. Not valid for scenario objects.
AddBand <MinFreq> <MaxFreq> {Swerling} {RCSValue} Add a new band, entering the minimum and maximum frequency range. {Swerling} and {RCSValue} are described below.
ModifyBand <MinFreq> <MaxFreq> <NewMinFreq> <NewMaxFreq> {Swerling} {RCSValue} Modify an existing band. The <MinFreq> and <MaxFreq> are used to identify an existing band. A Nack will be returned if no matching band is found.

When modifying a band the <NewMinFreq> will be ignored if this is the first band. <NewMaxFreq> will be ignored if this is the last band.

{Swerling} and {RCSValue} are described below.

DeleteBand <MinFreq> <MaxFreq> {ShiftUp | ShiftDown | Split} Delete an existing band. The <MinFreq> and <MaxFreq> are used to identify an existing band. A Nack will be returned if no matching band is found.
  • ShiftUp - The selected band is deleted and its maximum frequency becomes that of the next-lower band.
  • ShiftDown - The selected band is deleted and its minimum frequency becomes that of the next-higher band.
  • Split - The selected band is divided between its neighbors, i.e., it is deleted and its median frequency is added to the maximum frequency of the next-lower band and subtracted from the minimum frequency of the next-higher band.

DeleteBand will Nack if you attempt to ShiftUp or Split the first band, or if you attempt to ShiftDown or Split the last band.

MergeBands Neighboring bands with identical settings for the Swerling and Value parameters are merged into a single band with the cumulative frequency range of the affected bands prior to merger.
Clutter <ClutterValue> Clutter is used to define the background RCS in the vicinity of the target. Enter a <ClutterValue> in dB representing the Ground Clutter Coefficient. Valid for SAR objects only.

All Frequencies are entered in the Scenario frequency unit (default is GHz).

The following table describes the {Swerling} values.

Note: Case values for {Swerling} represent the five fluctuation models developed by P. Swerling.

Value Description
Case0 Swerling Case 0 assumes no fluctuation.
CaseI Fluctuations are correlated during a scan but uncorrelated from one scan to the next.
CaseII Fluctuations are more rapid and are assumed to be uncorrelated from pulse to pulse.

The following table describes valid entries for the {RCSValue}.

Value Description
<RCSValue> [Constant] The RCS value is entered in dBsm. RCS value is specified as a constant.
Dependant "<FilePath>" The RCS value is an aspect dependent RCS File.


To turn off Inherit for Satellite1:

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 Inherit Off

To add three bands to Satellite1:

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 AddBand 1.0 110.0 CaseI 12.3 Constant

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 AddBand 110.0 160.0 CaseiV 12.3

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 AddBand 160.0 210.0 CaseII Dependant "c:\stk\Test.rcs"

To delete the band, whose min and max freq are 160.0 and 210.0, from Satellite1 and have its maximum frequency becomes that of the next-lower band:

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 DeleteBand 160.0 210.0 ShiftUp

To modify the minfreq and maxfreq of the band, whose min and max freq are 1.0 and 110.0:

RCS */Satellite/Satellite1 ModifyBand 1.0 110.0 20.0 80.0 CaseI 12.3


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



Deprecated Commands



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1