Add other gain/loss values to a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar <RdrObjectPath> GainLoss {ClearAll | <Label1> <Value1>} [<Label2> <Value2>...]
Note: This command was deprecated in STK 10.1, it should no longer be used. This command has been replaced by the Radar command.
The Radar Connect commands were enhanced in STK 10.1 to make use of attributes and to simplify the format required to use these commands. For more information on using the new format see Transitioning to the New Radar Format.
During communications link analysis, it is often necessary to model gains and losses that affect the link but aren't defined using built-in analytical models. The Radar GainLoss command allows you to specify these miscellaneous gains and losses that can be added to the link equation.
All <Values> are entered in decibels.
Enter ClearAll to clear the specified list.
To add a -1.0 dB point loss to the TestRadar attached to the Customer facility:
Radar */Facility/Customer/Radar/TestRadar GainLoss PointLoss -1.0
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1