Transitioning to the New Radar Connect Command Format

Starting in STK 10.1, the Radar Connect commands was enhanced to make use of attributes and to simplify the format required to use these commands. The Radar Connect commands now enable you to get and set attribute values using the following formats:

To get attribute values and information from a Radar object:

Radar_RM <RdrObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>]

To set attributes for an object's Radar data:

Radar <RdrObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>]

The new Radar Connect commands use an attribute path to identify the location - within the Radar object - of the targeted attribute. The exact syntax and length of the attribute path depends upon the individual attribute. Each part of the attribute path must be separated by a period (.), including the attribute itself.

The valid {Options} for the Radar command are SetValue, AddItem, and RemoveItem.

Further descriptions of the command syntax can be found here: Radar and Radar_RM.

The following command examples show how to switch over to the new Radar command format from the STK 10 format.

Example 1

To define a Radar using the monostatic model with a peak output power of 45 dBW and a frequency of 2.8 GHz.

In STK 10, use the Radar Define command with a Radar object path, entering the model type, and values:

Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 Define Monostatic 45 Freq 2.8

In STK 10.1, you can first use the Radar_RM GetValue command to get the name and current setting of the Radar's attributes. Numeric values are displayed in internal units. "Read-only" attributes can not be changed.

Radar_RM */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 GetValue

UserComment = STK Radar Object
Model = Monostatic
Model.UserComment = Monostatic
Model.AntennaControl.AntennaReferenceType = Embed (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna = Parabolic
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UserComment = Analytical model of a uniformly illuminated parabolic antenna
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.DesignFrequency = 2997924580.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.InputType = Use Diameter
Model.Transmitter.Power = 10000.00000000 W
Model.Transmitter.FrequencySpecification = Wavelength
Model.Transmitter.Wavelength = 0.10000000 m
Model.Transmitter.Frequency = 2997924580.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Transmitter.PowerAmpBandwidth = 30000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Transmitter.UseFilter = false
Model.Transmitter.UsePolarization = false
Model.ClutterEnabled = false

Use the Radar_RM GetValue command, specifying the Model attribute with the Choices option to get the names of available Radar models:

Radar_RM */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 GetValue Model:Choices


Use the Radar command with the SetValue option to set the Radar model to Monostatic:

Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 SetValue Model Monostatic

The following Radar SetValue commands will set the value of the Power and Frequency attributes. For numeric values include the abbreviation of the unit that the value is being entered in, if it is different from the internal unit:

Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 SetValue Model.Transmitter.Power 45.0 dBW
Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 SetValue Model.Transmitter.Frequency 2.8 GHz

Example 2

To define a Bistatic_Receiver Radar:

In STK 10, use the Radar Define command with a Radar object path, entering the model type:

Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar Define BiStatic */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1

In STK 10.1, use the Radar command with the SetValue option to set the Radar model to BiStatic_Receiver.

Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar SetValue Model Bistatic_Receiver
Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar AddItem Model.BistaticTransmitterSelectionStrategy.BistaticTransmitters.ObjectList TruncPath Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1

In STK 10, to set the antenna orientation of the TestRadar to have an azimuth of 23.5 degrees, an elevation of 51.0 degrees and rotate about boresight:

Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar Orient AzEl 23.5 51.0 Rotate

In STK 10.1, use the Model.AntennaControl.Orientation attribute path to set the orientation parameters.

Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AzimuthAngle 23.5 deg
Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.ElevationAngle 51 deg
Radar */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AboutBoresight Rotate

To check the values you've set:

Radar_RM */Satellite/GEO/Radar/TestRadar GetValue Model.AntennaControl

Model.AntennaControl.AntennaReferenceType = Embed (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna = Parabolic
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UserComment = Analytical model of a uniformly illuminated parabolic antenna
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.DesignFrequency = 2997924580.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.InputType = Use Diameter
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Diameter = 1.00000000 m
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.MainlobeGain = 542.82824206 units (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Beamwidth = 0.10294485 rad (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.BacklobeGain = 0.00100000 units
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UseAsMainlobeAttenuation = false
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Efficiency = 0.55000000 unitValue
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation = Azimuth Elevation
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AzimuthAngle = 0.41015237 rad
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.ElevationAngle = 0.89011792 rad
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AboutBoresight = Rotate
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.XPositionOffset = 0 m
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.YPositionOffset = 0 m
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.ZPositionOffset = 0 m

Example 3

In STK 10, to add a jammer to the Facility Radar use the Radar Jammers command:

Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 Jammers Add Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Rdr_S1

In STK 10.1, enable jamming, and then use the AddObject option to add a jamming object.

Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 SetValue Model.Jamming.Enabled true
Radar */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 AddItem Model.Jamming.Jammers.ObjectList TruncPath Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Rdr_S1

To check the values you've set:

Radar_RM */Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar1 GetValue Model.Jamming

Model.Jamming.Enabled = true
Model.Jamming.Jammers.ObjectList[0] = Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Rdr_S1


Further Documentation on Transitioning to the New Comm Connect Format:

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1