Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Compute range to an identified number of MTO tracks from an STK Object.


Range_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <ObjectPath> {RangeOptions}


Use the Range_RM command to compute range to an identified number of MTO tracks (or all of them), from an STK Object.

The <ObjectPath> specifies the object to which range is being computed. <ObjectPath> may be a Facility, Place, Target, Satellite, GroundVehicle, LaunchVehicle, Missile, Ship, Aircraft, MTO, Planet or Star.

The following table describes the {RangeOptions}.

{VisOptions} Description
Time "{TimeValue}" Enter the time at which one is checking for range from the MTO. Default is the current Animation time.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

Mode {Any | All | Each | EachInRange | EachNotInRange} Enter method for returning data. Default Mode is Any.
  • Any returns 1 if any track is in range of the Object, (ie, lowerLimit <= range <= upperLimit) else returns 0
  • All returns 1 if every track is within range otherwise it returns 0
  • Each, for every track, returns the track id, 1 (within range) or 0 (not in range), and the range value in Connect distance units.
  • EachInRange returns the Track_id for each track in range, a 1 and the range value in Connect distance units.
  • EachNotInRange returns the Track_id for each track not in range, a 0 and the range value in Connect distance units.

If an object is not available then the message "Object not available" will be returned.

LowerLimit <Limit> Specify the lower range limit in Connect distance units. Default is 0.0
UpperLimit <Limit> Specify the upper range limit in Connect distance units. Default is unlimited.
ObjectInterval {Normal | Extended} Enter Extended to use the last point of the ephemeris span of the object for times past the last point. Default value is Normal.
Track <TrackId> Enter the id of a track from which range is being computed. The Track option can be specified multiple times to select a subset of the tracks. If no tracks are selected in this manner, all tracks are considered.
ObjectData <TrackId> If the Object to which range will be computed is an MTO, use this option to specify the track that will be used to compute that range. By default the MTO's ComputeTrack will be used.


Return a 1 if either track 2 or track 3 is in range to Satellite1:

Range_RM */MTO/MTO1 Object Satellite/Satellite1 Track 2 Track 3


Return which of the MTO tracks does not have range to AircraftEurope (i.e. whose range is less than the specified lower limit):

Range_RM */MTO/FacilityMTO Object Aircraft/AircraftEurope Mode EachNotInRange LowerLimit 1000000



Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1