Description | Example | Return Message | Group

SetConstraint (Vehicles)

Set a constraint for a vehicle


SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters>

Related Commands


Warning: Caution should be exercised when turning a constraint Off, in that any previously set constraint values may be lost. These cannot be recovered when the constraint is subsequently turned On.

The SetConstraint command turns constraints for vehicles On and Off and also sets parameters for the constraints. The following Tables list valid values for {ConstraintName} as well as the parameters accepted for each. Only one constraint can be set with each SetConstraint command.

Note: All angle, latitude and longitude input values are entered in degrees.

Basic Constraints

The following basic constraints are valid for facilities, places, targets and most types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
AzimuthAngle {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
ElevationAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
Range {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
RangeRate {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
AngularRate {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
Altitude {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
PropagationDelay {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
LineOfSight {On | Off}

Note: Both a Min and Max value must be specified when enabling the AzimuthAngle constraint. Otherwise, <value1> is only required if Min is specified and <value2> is only required if Max is specified. If only one is specified, in cases where Min and Max are not both required, the prior setting for the other is maintained.

The ExcludeIntervals option allows you to exclude the time intervals during which the constraint is satisfied. Specifying IncludeIntervals turns off this option and the times during which the constraint is satisfied will be used.

In addition to the basic constraints above, the TerrainMask constraint is available for facilities, places, targets, aircraft, ground vehicles, and ships only:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
TerrainMask {On | Off}

Sun Constraints

The following sun constraints are valid for facilities, places, targets and certain types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
SunElevationAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}
LunarElevationAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}
LOSSunExclusion {Off | <Value1>}
SunSpecularExclusion {Off | <Value1>}
LOSLunarExclusion {Off | <Value1>}
ThirdBodyObstruction {On | Off}
Lighting {Off | DirectSun | PenumbraDirectSun | PenumbraUmbra | Penumbra | UmbraDirectSun | Umbra}
CbObstruction {<CbName> ...} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]

For the CbObstruction constraint one or more <CbName> can be entered.

In addition to the sun constraints above the SunGroundElevAngle constraint is available for vehicles only:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
SunGroundElevAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}

Temporal Constraints

The following temporal constraints are valid for facilities, places, targets, vehicles, and area targets:

NOTE for Intervals, LocalTime, and GMT constraints: Intervals are defined relative to a clock colocated with the object holding the constraint. These intervals will be shifted by the light time delay associated with a given access computation if the intervals for access are computed relative to a clock located with the other object. For example: If you specify intervals for a Mars-based facility and then compute access from an Earth-based facility to the Mars-based facility, the Mars-based intervals will be shifted by the light time delay so that the signal will arrive at Mars during the desired intervals. This may appear to be confusing since, in this case, the interval reported by the access computation will be transmission times from the Earth-based facility.

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
Duration {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}
LocalTime {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2>}
GMT {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2>}
ApparentTime {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2>}
Intervals {Off | Include | Exclude} [{SetIntervals | SetIntervalsOverwrite} {IntervalOptions}]

Note: For LocalTime, GMT and ApparentTime, both a Min and Max value must be specified when enabling the constraint. Both <Value1> and <Value2> are in units of Duration.

For Intervals, if Off is entered then the {SetIntervals | SetIntervalsOverwrite} {IntervalOptions} should not be included on the command.

If {IntervalOption} is Add, Replace, Delete, or Import, then

If SetIntervals is entered, a new interval file will be created when the intervals are changed.
If SetIntervalsOverwrite is entered, the interval file will be overwritten when the intervals are changed.

The following table describes the {IntervalOptions}.

{IntervalOptions} Description
Load "<Filename>" Load the specified interval file. The intervals from the file will replace any existing intervals.
Add <NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...] Add the specified intervals to the interval list.
Replace <NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...] Replace the interval list with the specified intervals.
Delete {All | <NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...] Enter Delete All to remove all intervals; or enter specific intervals to delete.
Import "<TimeComponent>" Import intervals from the specified Interval or Interval List component. The intervals will replace any existing intervals.

For information on the syntax of "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

Advanced Constraints

The following advanced constraints are valid for certain types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
GrazingAlt {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
GrazingAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
GroundElevAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
BetaAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
DopplerConeAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>} [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]
Background {Off | Ground | Space}
GroundTrack {Off | Ascending | Descending}

Zones Constraints

The following zones constraints are valid for vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
ExclusionZone {Off | <Value1>} [<Value2> <Value3> <Value4>], where <Value2>, <Value3> and <Value4> are used only if <Value1> is used for the first argument. If the first argument is Off, <Value2>, <Value3> and <Value4> aren't valid. The four values represent minimum latitude and longitude, maximum latitude and longitude, respectively.

Note: Multiple exclusion zones can be defined for an object.

InclusionZone {Off | <Value1>} [<Value2> <Value3> <Value4>], where <Value2>, <Value3> and <Value4> are used only if <Value1> is used for the first argument. If the first argument is Off, <Value2>, <Value3> and <Value4> aren't valid. The four values represent minimum latitude and longitude, maximum latitude and longitude, respectively.

Latitude and Longitude values are entered in Connect Latitude and Longitude units (default is degrees).

Targeting Constraints

The following constraints are valid for certain types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
CrossTrackRange {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}
InTrackRange {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}
SquintAngle {Off | Min <Value1> [|] Max <Value2>}

Note: For the SquintAngle constraint, <Value1> and <Value2> should be specified in degrees.

Vector Constraints

The following vector constraints are valid for facilities, places, targets, area targets, planets, stars, Comm objects (receivers and transmitters), radars, sensors, and all types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
CrdnVectorMag {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2> "<Vector>"}
CrdnAngle {Off | Min <Value1> Max <Value2> "<Angle>"}
CrdnCondition {Off | "<Condition>"}

The following format is used to specify the "<Vector>", "<Angle>", or "<Condition>":

"<TruncObjectPath> <CrdnName>"

Specify the truncated path of the object followed by a space and the CrdnName, all in quotes. For example: "Satellite/attSat Velocity", specifies the Velocity vector of attSat. If specifying the Crdn of a central body, include the truncated path of the central body followed by a space and the CrdnName, all in quotes. For example: "CentralBody/Earth NorthPole".

Special Constraints

The following special constraints are valid for all types of vehicles:

{ConstraintName} <Parameters>
ObjectExclusionAngle {Off | <TruncObjectPath> <Value1> [ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals]}, where <Value1> is the minimum allowable exclusion angle in degrees and is only specified if a truncated object path is given. A truncated object path is the full name of the object without the scenario name in front of it.

Plugin Constraints

Plugin constraints are valid for facilities, places, targets, Comm objects (receivers and transmitters), radars, sensors, and all types of vehicles:

Plugin constraints are set using the name of the plugin constraint and its associated minimum and maximum values.

<PluginConstName> {Off | Min <Value> | Max <Value>} [Modify <AttrName> <AttrValue>]

<PluginConstName> is the name of the constraint exactly as it appears on the Plugin Constraints Properties page. Use the Modify option to set the value of the plugin's parameter.

Search/Track Constraints

Search/Track constraints for vehicles are identical to that of radar. Visit Connect help for the SetConstraint (Radar) command for a complete list of valid Search/Track constraints. These constraints will only have an effect on an access if one of the access objects is a radar. This allows you to constrain a radar access using the target object.

SAR Constraints

SAR constraints for vehicles are identical to that of radar. Visit Connect help for the SetConstraint (Radar) command for a complete list of valid SAR constraints. These constraints will only have an effect on an access if one of the access objects is a radar. This allows you to constrain a radar access using the target object.


To set the maximum angular rate to 6.0 degrees per second for the ERS1 satellite in the current scenario:

SetConstraint */Satellite/ERS1 AngularRate Max 6.0

To set the minimum and maximum range for the ERS1 satellite:

SetConstraint */Satellite/ERS1 Range Min 1000.0 Max 600000.0

To turn on a CrdnVectorMag constraint with the specified minimum and maximum values:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Satellite1 CrdnVectorMag Min 10.0 Max 50.0 "Satellite/Satellite1 Earth"

To turn on a CrdnAngle constraint with the specified minimum and maximum values:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Satellite1 CrdnAngle Min 10.0 Max 50.0 "Satellite/Satellite1 SunMoon"

To turn off a CrdnVectorMag constraint:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Satellite1 CrdnVectorMag Off

Set the minimum value of the Plugin Constraint CSharp.NIIRS and set the value of the plugin's parameter DebugMode to True:

SetConstraint */Facility/Facility1 CSharp.NIIRS Min 0.1 Modify DebugMode True


To add two intervals to the temporal constraint interval list:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Sat283 Intervals Include SetIntervals Add 2 "9 Mar 2009 16:30:00.00" "9 Mar 2009 18:28:00.00" "9 Mar 2009 18:42:00.00" "9 Mar 2009 19:30:00.00"

To delete the specified interval from the temporal constraint interval list:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Sat283 Intervals Include SetIntervals Delete 1 "9 Mar 2009 18:42:00.00" "9 Mar 2009 19:30:00.00"

To load the specified interval file:

SetConstraint */Satellite/Sat283 Intervals Include SetIntervals Load "c:\Program Files\STK 9\MyFiles\"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1