Set constraint options for an object's active constraints.
SetConstraintOptions <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Options}
Use the SetConstraintOptions command to set constraint options for individual constraints that are active for an object.
The {ConstraintName} is the name of an active constraint for <ObjectPath>, that is, a constraint that has been turned on. Refer to the SetConstraint commands to turn on constraints.
The following table describes the available options.
Option | Description |
Action {ExcludeIntervals | IncludeIntervals} | Specify whether to exclude or include time intervals that satisfy a given constraint. |
MaxTimeStep <Value> | Enter the maximum time step which will
limit the amount of time that is allowed to elapse between
samplings of the constraint functions during access computations.
<Value> is entered in Connect time units. To disable the MaxTimeStep enter 0 for <Value>. |
MaxRelMotion <Value> | Enter the maximum relative motion value
in degrees.
To disable the MaxRelMotion enter 0 for <Value>. |
To set constraint options for the Satellite1's AzimuthAngle constraint:
SetConstraintOptions */Satellite/Satellite1 AzimuthAngle MaxRelMotion 34.56 MaxTimeStep 123.0
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1