Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Set the direction perpendicular to the local terrain for a facility, place or target.


SetTerrainNormal <ObjectPath> {SurfaceNormal | Manual {Option} <Parameters>}


The SetTerrainNormal command sets the direction of a vector perpendicular to the local terrain at the location of the facility, place or target.

Enter SurfaceNormal to specify that the slope of the terrain is zero and the vector is perpendicular to the reference shape of the central body.

Use the Manual option to specify the normal direction using either a slope and azimuth or a cartesian vector in the topocentric reference frame. The Table below summarizes the available {Option} and <Parameters>.

{Option} <Parameters> Description
SlopeAzimuth <Slope> <Azimuth> <Slope> and <Azimuth> are entered in degrees.
Cartesian <XValue> <YValue> <ZValue> <XValue> <YValue> and <ZValue> are components of a directional vector in the topocentric reference frame, which will be normalized. The topocentric reference frame has its X axis towards local south, Y axis towards local east and Z axis along the local Zenith direction.


To specify the local terrain to have a 20 degree slope with the downhill direction to the east (azimuth = 90 degrees) at the Merlot Vineyard.

SetTerrainNormal */Target/Merlot Manual SlopeAzimuth 20.0 90.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1