Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Define a track in a Multi-Track Object (MTO).


Track <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption}

Related Commands


The Track command is used to add, modify, and remove individual tracks from a Multi-Track Object (MTO).

{TrackOption} Description
Add <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The number of iterations of {PointDefinition} must equal the value of <NumberOfPoints>. The <TrackNumber> must be larger then all other track numbers existing for the MTO.
Extend <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The number of iterations of {PointDefinition} must equal the value of <NumberOfPoints>.
AddWithMSL <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The point's altitude is calculated from mean sea level at the specified latitude and longitude.
ExtendWithMSL <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The point's altitude is calculated from mean sea level at the specified latitude and longitude for an existing track.
AddWithTerrain <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The point's altitude is added to the terrain altitude value at the specified latitude and longitude.
ExtendWithTerrain <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}... Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The point's altitude is added to the terrain altitude value at the specified latitude and longitude for an existing track.
Remove <TrackNumber> Removes the specified track number.
File "<FilePath>" Create or modify the object using the commands in the file. The file contains Add, Extend, AddWithMSL, ExtendWithMSL, AddWithTerrain, ExtendWithTerrain, Remove or Name commands, without the "Track <MTOObjectPath>" at the beginning of the command. This allows for faster loading.

Include MaxBufferSize <Value> at the beginning of the file to specify the length of the longest command line in the file. The default value is 1024.

LoadEphemFile <TrackNumber> "<FilePath>" Creates a new track with the specified track number and defines the points using the specified ephemeris file. "<FilePath>" - Indicates the ephemeris file from which to populate the track points.
Name <TrackNumber> "<Name>" Defines a name for the specified track.
Interpolate <TrackNumber> {On | Off} Indicates if the position between the track points will be interpolated, or if only the track points will be used.
BlockSize <Value> Indicates the size of the block to be allocated when adding new points to a track. <Value> must be an integer greater than 0. Default value is 10.
ComputeTrackID <TrackID> Set the ID of the track to be referenced for working with other tools.
SaveTracks {On | Off} Enable or disable the saving of track data for the MTO.
PruneByMaxNumPts <Value> Specify the maximum number of points for the MTO to keep as new data. <Value> is an integer greater than BlockSize.

To turn off pruning set the <Value> to 0.

SetAttitudeAxes "<Axes>" Specifies the Axes component to use for attitude for all tracks within the MTO.

For details on the format of an "<Axes>" component see Component Specification.

UseAttitudeAxes {On | Off} Enter Off to use the default attitude, or enter On to use the axes set by the SetAttitudeAxes option.

Note: The axes must be set first or this command will nack.

The following table describes the {PointType} options, and the {PointDefinition} for each type.

{PointType} {PointDefinition} Description
N/A "{TimeValue}" <Lat> <Lon> <Alt> If no point type is entered then enter time, latitude, longitude and altitude of each point.
TLLA "{TimeValue}" <Lat> <Lon> <Alt> Enter time, latitude, longitude and altitude of each point.
TCBF "{TimeValue}" <X> <Y> <Z> Enter time, and x, y, z coordinates of each point.
TUTM "{TimeValue}" <ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing> Enter time and UTM parameters of each point.
TUTMALT "{TimeValue}" <ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing> <Alt> Enter time, UTM parameters and Altitude of each point.

For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

<Lat> and <Lon> are entered in Connect Latitude and Longitude units (default is degrees).

<Alt>, <X>, <Y> and <Z> are entered in meters.

Valid values for <ZoneStr> are A, B, Y, Z or ddc, where 00>dd>61 and c is C-X.

<Easting> and <Northing> are entered in Connect distance units.


The following command adds the point's altitude to the mean sea level at latitude 10 and longitude 0 for the MTO1 track.

TRACK */MTO/MTO1 AddWithMSL 1 2 TLLA "1 Jun 2004 14:00:00" 10 10 0 "1 Jun 2004 15:00:00" 20 20 0

The following command adds a track to the "mt1" object with the Id number of "1", and inserts 3 points for the track.

Track */MTO/mt1 add 1 3 "1 Jun 2002 12:00" 10 10 10000 "1 Jun 2002 14:00" 11 10 10000 "1 Jun 2002 16:00" 11 11 10000

The following command adds an additional point to track 1 of the "mt1" object.

Track */MTO/mt1 extend 1 1 "1 Jun 2002 06:30" 12 11 10000

The following command removes track 1 from the "mt1" object.

Track */MTO/mt1 remove 1

The following command executes the file "H:\mti\add.txt".

Track */MTO/mt1 file "H:\mti\add.txt"

The following command populates track number 1 of the "mt1" object with the contents of the ephemeris file "E:\ephems\Aircraft1.e".

Track */MTO/mt1 loadephemfile 1 "E:\ephems\Aircraft1.e"

Set the block size for mt1 to 100:

Track */MTO/mt1 BlockSize 100

Set an Axes for the MTO attitude, and then use the Axes:

Track */MTO/MTO_Aircraft1 SetAttitudeAxes "Aircraft/Aircraft1 Body Axes"

Track */MTO/MTO_Aircraft1 UseAttitudeAxes On


Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1