Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO AttFOMContours

Display 3D contour graphics for an attitude figure of merit


VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>]


The VO AttFOMContours command allows you to define the display levels of coverage quality in the 3D Graphics window. Contour levels represent the gradations in coverage quality.

{GfxType} can be:

{GfxType} Description
Static Contour levels display coverage data for all points based on evaluation over the entire coverage interval.
Animation Contour levels display coverage data for all points based on the current animation time.

{ContourOption} can be:

{ContourOption} <Parameters> Description
Show On Toggle the display of coverage quality levels on and off without loosing the levels set.
UseStatic On Use all {Contour} options defined for Static graphics when displaying animation graphics.

Note: Option is valid only if {GfxType} is set to Animation.

StartStop <StartLevel> <StopLevel> <Step> Generate contour values beginning with the <StartLevel> and incrementing by the <Step> until the <StopLevel> is exceeded.
ColorRamp [{StartColor} {EndColor}] Color the first contour level with the {StartColor} specified, the last contour level with the {EndColor} specified, and apply a aspectrum pattern to all levels in between. If you don't specify a {StartColor} and {EndColor}, default colors are chosen for you.
ExplicitLevel <Level> {Color} Specify the color of a particular contour level.

Note: If you set {ContourOptions} to ColorRamp, then send an ExplicitLevel command, the change requested by the second command is ignored because the color ramp controls the color choice for graphics.

ExplicitColors N/A Assign explicit colors to each contour level.
LevelColor <Level> {Color} Indicate the level and color for each contour level.

Note: Only valid if ExplicitColors has been set.

ShowUpToMaxOnly {On | Off} When On, areas where the FOM value exceeds the max contour level will not be shown.
RemoveAll N/A Remove all contour display levels for the specified object.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To display static contours and set levels using start and stop values:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Static Show On StartStop 1 20 5

To use values set for static graphics when displaying animation graphics:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Animation Show On UseStatic On

To remove all animation contour levels:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Animation RemoveAll


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


Attitude Coverage




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1