Transitioning to the New Transmitter Connect Command Format

Starting in STK 9, the Comm Connect commands, including Transmitter, were enhanced to make use of attributes and to simplify the format required to use these commands. The Transmitter Connect commands now enable you to get and set attribute values using the following formats:

To get attribute values and information from a Transmitter object:

Transmitter_RM <XmObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>]

To set attributes for an object's Transmitter data:

Transmitter <XmObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>]

The new Comm Connect commands use an attribute path to identify the location - within the Transmitter object - of the targeted attribute. The exact syntax and length of the attribute path depends upon the individual attribute. Each part of the attribute path must be separated by a period (.), including the attribute itself.

The valid {Options} for the Transmitter command are SetValue, AddItem, and RemoveItem. Examples 1, 2 and 3 use the SetValue option. Example 4 uses all three options.

Further descriptions of the command syntax can be found here: Transmitter and Transmitter_RM.

The following command examples show how to switch over to the new Transmitter command format from the old STK 8 format.

Example 1

To define a Transmitter with the Simple model.

In STK 8, use the Comm Define XmtrModel command with a Transmitter object path, entering the model type, frequency and EIRP:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Define XmtrModel Source Simple Frequency 5 EIRP 20

In STK 9, you can first use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the name and current setting of the Transmitter's attributes. Numeric values are displayed in internal units. "Read-only" attributes can not be changed.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue

UserComment = STK Transmitter Object
Model = Simple_Transmitter_Model
Model.UserComment = Simple model of a transmitter
Model.UseFilter = false
Model.Filter = Butterworth (Read-only)
Model.Filter.UserComment = General form of nth order Butterworth filter with flat passband and stopband regions. (Read-only)
Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -20000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 20000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.InsertionLoss = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Bandwidth = 40000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Order = 4 (Read-only)
Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency = 10000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Frequency = 14500000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Modulator = Basic_Modulator
Model.Modulator.UserComment = Basic Modulator
Model.Modulator.Modulation = BPSK
Model.Modulator.Modulation.UserComment = BPSK
Model.Modulator.UseSignalPSD = false
Model.Modulator.DataRate = 16000000.00000000 b*sec^-1
Model.Modulator.UseCDMASpread = false
Model.Modulator.ChipsPerBit = 1 (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.SpreadingGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.AutoScaleBandwidth = true
Model.Modulator.SymmetricBandwidth = true (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.UpperBandwidthLimit = 16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.LowerBandwidthLimit = -16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.Bandwidth = 32000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.EIRP = 1000.00000000 W
Model.UsePolarization = false
Model.Polarization = Linear (Read-only)
Model.Polarization.ReferenceAxis = X Axis (Read-only)
Model.Polarization.TiltAngle = 0 rad (Read-only)
Model.Polarization.CrossPolLeakage = 0.00000100 units (Read-only)
Model.Gain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Power = 1000.00000000 W (Read-only)

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command, specifying the Model attribute with the Choices option to get the names of available Transmitter models:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model:Choices


Use the Transmitter command with the SetValue option to set the Transmitter model to Simple:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model Simple_Transmitter_Model

The following Transmitter SetValue commands will set the Frequency and EIRP attributes. For numeric values include the abbreviation of the unit that the value is being entered in. The unit abbreviation is required if the unit of the value being entered is different from the internal unit (as returned by the Transmitter_RM GetValue command):

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Frequency 5 GHz
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.EIRP 20 dBW

Example 2

To define a Transmitter with a Medium model, and set Polarization and Modulation values.

In STK 8, use the following commands:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Define XmtrModel Source Medium Frequency 5 Gain 0 Power 20
Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Polarize RightHand
Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Modulation ModType BPSK DataRate 2.575

In STK 9, first set the model type, and the frequency, gain, power and data rate attributes:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model Medium_Transmitter_Model
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Frequency 5 GHz
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Gain 0 dB
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Power 20 W
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Modulator.DataRate 2.575 Mb*sec^-1

Next turn on polarization:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.UsePolarization True

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command specifying the Model.Polarization attribute to get the current settings.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.Polarization

Model.Polarization = Linear
Model.Polarization.ReferenceAxis = X Axis
Model.Polarization.TiltAngle = 0 rad
Model.Polarization.CrossPolLeakage = 0.00000100 units (Read-only)

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the available Choices for the Polarization attribute:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.Polarization:Choices

Left-hand Circular
Right-hand Circular

Set the Transmitter's Polarization type to right hand:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Polarization Right-hand Circular

To set the Transmitter's Modulation attributes you can first use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the available Choices for the Modulator attribute (only a partial list of the available choices returned is shown here):

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.Modulator.Modulation:Choices


Set the Transmitter's Modulator type to BPSK:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Modulator.Modulation BPSK

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to see all the modified settings.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue

UserComment = STK Transmitter Object
Model = Simple_Transmitter_Model
Model.UserComment = Simple model of a transmitter
Model.UseFilter = false
Model.Filter = Butterworth (Read-only)
Model.Filter.UserComment = General form of nth order Butterworth filter with flat passband and stopband regions (Read-only)
Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -20000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 20000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.InsertionLoss = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Bandwidth = 40000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Order = 4 (Read-only)
Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency = 10000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Frequency = 5000000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Modulator = Basic_Modulator
Model.Modulator.UserComment = Basic Modulator
Model.Modulator.Modulation = BPSK
Model.Modulator.Modulation.UserComment = BPSK
Model.Modulator.UseSignalPSD = false
Model.Modulator.DataRate = 2575000.00000000 b*sec^-1
Model.Modulator.UseCDMASpread = false
Model.Modulator.ChipsPerBit = 1 (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.SpreadingGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.AutoScaleBandwidth = true
Model.Modulator.SymmetricBandwidth = true (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.UpperBandwidthLimit = 2575000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.LowerBandwidthLimit = -2575000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.Bandwidth = 5150000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.EIRP = 100.00000000 W
Model.UsePolarization = true
Model.Polarization = Right-hand Circular
Model.Polarization.CrossPolLeakage = 0.00000100 units (Read-only)
Model.Gain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Power = 100.00000000 W (Read-only)

Example 3

To define a Transmitter with a Complex model, setting Antenna, Polarization and Filter values.

In STK 8, use the following command to set the model type to Complex, and set the frequency and power:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Define XmtrModel Source Complex Frequency 5 Power 100

In STK 9, the following commands will set the model type, frequency and power:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model Complex_Transmitter_Model
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Frequency 5 GHz
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Power 100 W

In STK 8, use the following command to set the Antenna type and parameters:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Antenna Helix 0.55 1 0.08 10 -30

In STK 9, to set the Transmitter's AntennaControl attributes you can first use the following Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the current Antenna attributes settings:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna

Model.AntennaControl.Antenna = Gaussian
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UserComment = Analytical model of a Gaussian beam similar to a parabolic antenna within about -6 dB relative to boresight
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.DesignFrequency = 5000000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.InputType = Use Diameter
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Diameter = 1.00000000 m
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.MainlobeGain = 1509.94468489 units (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Beamwidth = 0.08084801 rad (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.BacklobeGain = 0.00100000 units
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Efficiency = 0.55000000 unitValue

Use the following Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the available Choices for Antenna attribute (only a partial list of the available antenna choices returned is shown here):

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna:Choices


Use the following command to set the Antenna type to Helix:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna Helix

Each antenna type has it own attributes, so use the following Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the attributes for the Helix Antenna:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna

Model.AntennaControl.Antenna = Helix
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UserComment = Models a standard helix antenna
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.DesignFrequency = 5000000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Diameter = 1.00000000 m
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.BacklobeGain = 0.00100000 units
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Efficiency = 0.55000000 unitValue
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.TurnSpacing = 0.08000000 m
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.NumTurns = 10.000000

In the STK 8 command all the Helix antenna options had to be entered on the command line. However, since all of those settings are the defaults, for this example in STK 9 no other commands need to be sent.

Nevertheless, the following are examples of commands that can be used to set the Helix Antenna attributes:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Efficiency 0.55
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Diameter 1 m
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.TurnSpacing 0.08 m
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.NumTurns 10
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.BacklobeGain -30 db

In STK 8, use the following command to set Polarization:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Polarize Vertical X

In STK 9, first turn on Polarization:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.UsePolarization true

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command specifying the Model.AntennaControl.Polarization attribute to get the current settings.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.AntennaControl.Polarization

Model.AntennaControl.Polarization = Linear
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.ReferenceAxis = X Axis
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.TiltAngle = 0 rad
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.CrossPolLeakage = 0.00000100 units (Read-only)

Use the following command to get the available Choices for the Polarization attribute:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.AntennaControl.Polarization:Choices

Left-hand Circular
Right-hand Circular

Set the Transmitter's Polarization type to Vertical:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.AntennaControl.Polarization Vertical

The default setting for reference axis is X Axis; so in this example it is not necessary to send any other commands in STK 9.

In STK 8, use the following commands to turn on and then set the Filter:

Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Filter On
Comm */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Filter Define Bessel 20 -20 5 4 10

In STK 9, use the following command to turn on the Filter:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.UseFilter True

Use the following two Transmitter_RM GetValue commands to get the current settings of the Filter, and the Choices for Filter attribute:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.Filter

Model.Filter = Butterworth
Model.Filter.UserComment = General form of nth order Butterworth filter with flat passband and stopband regions
Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -20000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 20000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Filter.InsertionLoss = 1.00000000 units
Model.Filter.Bandwidth = 40000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Order = 4
Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency = 10000000.00000000 Hz

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue Model.Filter:Choices


Set the Filter type and it's attributes.

Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter Bessel
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit 20 MHz
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit -20 MHz
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter.InsertionLoss 5
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter.Order 4
Transmitter */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 SetValue Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency 10 MHz

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to see all the modified settings.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility1/Transmitter/Transmitter1 GetValue

UserComment = STK Transmitter Object
Model = Complex_Transmitter_Model
Model.UserComment = Complex model of a transmitter
Model.UseFilter = true
Model.Filter = Bessel
Model.Filter.UserComment = An analytical filter frequency response with linear phase in the passband
Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -20000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 20000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Filter.InsertionLoss = 5.00000000 units
Model.Filter.Bandwidth = 40000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Filter.Order = 4
Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency = 10000000.00000000 Hz
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Frequency = 14500000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Modulator = Basic_Modulator
Model.Modulator.UserComment = Basic Modulator
Model.Modulator.Modulation = BPSK
Model.Modulator.Modulation.UserComment = BPSK
Model.Modulator.UseSignalPSD = false
Model.Modulator.DataRate = 16000000.00000000 b*sec^-1
Model.Modulator.UseCDMASpread = false
Model.Modulator.ChipsPerBit = 1 (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.SpreadingGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.AutoScaleBandwidth = true
Model.Modulator.SymmetricBandwidth = true (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.UpperBandwidthLimit = 16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.LowerBandwidthLimit = -16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.Bandwidth = 32000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Power = 1000.00000000 W
Model.AntennaControl.AntennaReferenceType = Embed (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna = Gaussian
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.UserComment = Analytical model of a Gaussian beam similar to a parabolic antenna within about -6 dB relative to boresight
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.DesignFrequency = 14500000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.InputType = Use Diameter
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Diameter = 1.00000000 m
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.MainlobeGain = 12698.63479991 units (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Beamwidth = 0.02787863 rad (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.BacklobeGain = 0.00100000 units
Model.AntennaControl.Antenna.Efficiency = 0.55000000 unitValue
Model.AntennaControl.UsePolarization = true
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization = Vertical
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.ReferenceAxis = X Axis
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.TiltAngle = 1.57079633 rad (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Polarization.CrossPolLeakage = 0.00000100 units (Read-only)
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation = Azimuth Elevation
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AzimuthAngle = 0 rad
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.ElevationAngle = 1.57079633 rad
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.AboutBoresight = Rotate
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.XPositionOffset = 0 m
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.YPositionOffset = 0 m
Model.AntennaControl.Orientation.ZPositionOffset = 0 m
Model.MaxAntennaGain = 12698.63479991 units (Read-only)

Example 4

To set the GainLoss list for a Transmitter.

In STK 8, use the Comm GainLoss command to add two GainLoss items, note that all items to be added to the GainLoss list must be entered on one command line:

Comm */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GainLoss PointGain -1.0 GL3 0.23107

In STK 9, you can first use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the name and current setting of the Transmitter's attributes. Numeric values are displayed in internal units. "Read-only" attributes can not be changed.

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GetValue

Model = Simple_Transmitter_Model
Model.UserComment = Simple model of a transmitter
Model.UseFilter = false
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Frequency = 14500000000.00000000 Hz
Model.Modulator = BPSK
Model.Modulator.UserComment = BPSK
Model.Modulator.ModulationType = BPSK
Model.Modulator.UseSignalPSD = false
Model.Modulator.NumPSDNulls = 15 (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.UseCDMASpread = false
Model.Modulator.AutoScaleBandwidth = true
Model.Modulator.UpperBandwidthLimit = 16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.LowerBandwidthLimit = -16000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.Modulator.Bandwidth = 32000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only)
Model.DataRate = 16000000.00000000 b*sec^-1
Model.EIRP = 1000.00000000 W
Model.UsePolarization = false
Model.Gain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)
Model.Power = 1000.00000000 W (Read-only)

To add two default items to the GainLossList, use the AddItem option:

Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 AddItem Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList
Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 AddItem Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the values of PostTransmitGainsLosses:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses

Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Identifier = Misc.
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain = 1.00000000 units
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Identifier = Misc.
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Gain = 1.00000000 units
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the Properties of the Gain element of the GainLoss list item:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties

Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Description = Gain (Read-only)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.ReadOnly = false
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.class = QUANTITY
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Fixed = true
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0] = Gain
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Min = 1e-289 units (Read-only)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Max = 1e+289 units (Read-only)
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Dimension = RatioUnit
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain:Properties.Unit = units

Use the Transmitter SetValue command to set the values of the two items in the GainLossList. Note: the list is indexed, and the index begins with 0.

Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 SetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Identifier PointGain
Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 SetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain -1.0 db
Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 SetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Identifier GL3
Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 SetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Gain 0.23107 db

Use the Transmitter_RM GetValue command to get the values of PostTransmitGainsLosses after setting the attributes:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses

Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Identifier = PointGain
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[0].Gain = 0.79432823 units
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Identifier = GL3
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList[1].Gain = 1.05464670 units
Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.TotalGain = 0.83773566 units (Read-only)

To get the number of items in the GainLossList:

Transmitter_RM */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 GetValue Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList:Size

Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList:Size = 2

To remove the second GainLoss list item, use the Transmitter command with the RemoveItem option and enter the index of the item to be removed.

Transmitter */Facility/Facility2/Transmitter/TestXm2 RemoveItem Model.PostTransmitGainsLosses.GainLossList 1


Further Documentation on Transitioning to the New Comm Connect Format:

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1