Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Point Schedule

Control scheduled sensor pointing


Point <SensorObjectPath> Schedule {ScheduleOption} [<MethodData>]

Related Commands


The Point Schedule command allows you to schedule a sensor to point at a specific location at a specific time.

{ScheduleOption} <MethodData> Description
On N/A Point the sensor based on schedule intervals.
Off Turn off schedule pointing.
Clear Clear all schedule intervals.
AddLLA {StartTimeValue} [{StopTimeValue}] <Lat> <Lon> <Alt> Point at either a specified Lat, Lon, Alt position or a specified Azimuth/Elevation position, at specified times.

If no {StopTimeValue} is specified, the stop time of the interval will be set to either a succeeding {StartTimeValue} or the end of the scenario time period.

For valid {StartTimeValue} and {StopTimeValue} values see Time Options.

AddAzEl {StartTimeValue} [{StopTimeValue}] <Azimuth> <Elevation>

If the {ScheduleOption} is AddAzEl or AddLLA, you should also send the Point Scheduled On command to display sensor graphics in the 2D Graphics window.


To schedule the Horizon sensor to point from 11p.m. to the end of the scenario time period on 1 November 2000:

Point */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon Schedule AddLLA "1 Nov 2000 23:00:00.00" -33.17 -70.08 0.36

To turn schedule pointing on:

Point */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon Schedule On


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1