Control spinning sensor pointing
Point <SensorObjectPath> Spinning <Azimuth> <Elevation> <ConeAngle> {ScanMethod} [<ScanMethodParams>] <Rate> <Offset>
The Point Spinning command allows you to define the sensor as spinning on its axis or sweeping in a defined pattern with a variety of scan patterns. Spinning sensors are often used to model radars, pushbroom sensors and other instruments that spin, scan or sweep over time.
{ScanMethod} can be:
{ScanMethod} | Parameters |
Continuous | N/A |
Unidirectional | <StartAngle> <StopAngle> |
Bidirectional |
<Rate> is the spin rate entered in revolutions per minute. <Offset> is the initial offset angle.
All angle values are entered in degrees.
To set up a bidirectional spinning sensor:
Point */Satellite/Sat1/Sensor/Sen1 Spinning 180.0 87.5 42.0 Bidirectional 90.0 180.0 2.4 90.0
To set up a continuous spinning sensor:
Point */Satellite/Sat1/Sensor/Sen1 Spinning 0 -90 90 Continuous 6 360
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1