AGI Real-Time Framework 11 Send comments on this topic.
Project Overview


AGI Real-Time Framework 11


Objects Description
AgRtDataDictionaryEntry Provides details about an entry into the IAgRtProvideEntities MetaDataDictionary.
AgRtEventEntity A basic implemention of an event.
AgRtFileStream A stream which reads a file on disk.
AgRtGlobals Application wide initialization and termination.
AgRtPluginRegistry Provides information about plugins registered on the system.
AgRtTCPIPStream A stream which connects to and reads data from a TCP/IP server.


Objects Description
IAgRtApplication The base interface for all real-time applications.
IAgRtApplicationEvents Events generated by objects implementing IAgRtApplication.
IAgRtDataDictionaryEntry Provides details about an entry into the IAgRtProvideEntities MetaDataDictionary.
IAgRtEventEntity The base interface for all generated events.
IAgRtFileStream Defines a stream which reads from a file.
IAgRtGlobals Defines application wide initialization and termination.
IAgRtInternalCalculationEngine Internal interface.
IAgRtInternalGlobals Internal interface.
IAgRtPlugin The base interface for all plugins.
IAgRtPluginRegistry Provides information about plugins registered on the system.
IAgRtProcessEntities The base interface for all entity processors.
IAgRtProcessEntitiesEvents Events generated by objects implementing IAgRtProcessEntities.
IAgRtProvideEntities The base interface for all entity providers.
IAgRtProvideEntitiesEvents Events generated by objects implementing IAgRtProvideEntities.
IAgRtProvideEntitiesFromStream Defines an entity provider that uses a stream plugin for accessing data.
IAgRtProvideTrackingData The base interface for all tracking data providers.
IAgRtStream The base interface for all stream plugins.
IAgRtTCPIPStream Defines a stream which reads from an TCP/IP connection.
IAgUiRtDialog The primary interface for a standalone configuration dialog.
IAgUiRtProvideTrackingData Primary interface for all output Ui.
IAgUiRtWindowHandle The primary interface for an embedded configuration dialog.
IAgUiRtWindowHandleEvents Events fired by objects implementing IAgUiRtWindowHandle.


Enumeration Description
AgERtError Error codes.
AgERtEventDispatchID Dispatch IDs for event interfaces.
AgEUiRtDialogResult Contains possible results returned by a call to Activate in IAgUiRtDialog.
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