Creates texture filters.
Initialize | Creates a texture filter using the specified minification/magnification options and texture wrap. |
InitializeWithMinificationAndMagnification | Creates a texture filter using the specified minification/magnification options. |
InitializeWithTextureWrap | Creates a texture filter using the specified texture wrap. |
LinearClampToEdge | Gets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Linear, MagnificationFilter: Linear, WrapS: ClampToEdge, WrapT: ClampToEdge |
LinearRepeat | Gets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Linear, MagnificationFilter: Linear, WrapS: Repeat, WrapT: Repeat |
NearestClampToEdge | Gets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Nearest, MagnificationFilter: Nearest, WrapS: ClampToEdge, WrapT: ClampToEdge |
NearestRepeat | Gets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Nearest, MagnificationFilter: Nearest, WrapS: Repeat, WrapT: Repeat |